MediEvil, easily. My favorite childhood game. The problem is in today’s landscape a new title would most likely have zero of the charm that made the first two so wonderful as a kid.

Sometimes people make things just to express who they are, saying all art is political is objectively false.

But I think I’ll keep listening and pull what I want from their work like everyone else does, thanks tho.

No it’s not and he understands that Israeli citizens aren’t responsible for the decisions of their government. Nobody should be looking for political opinions from their favorite artists, that’s like going to your doctor for advice about your computer. Enjoy the music and chill out.

That makes sense, he got absolutely smoked

This guy is tone deaf in regards to this news and probably as a musician as well, crazy.

Thank god you went, now you have something try attempt to farm karma with

Haven’t played rainbow in a minute but I never remembered the community being such horny losers

Idek how got here but you people are leeches. Stop looking for political takes from artists.

To be fair I’ve heard this before and it’s a crazy take

I tried to demo and didn’t understand what the game was trying to do. It just felt like a bunch of weird gameplay ideas tied together with a very grating visual theme. The movement especially just felt off

Borderlands 3 is generally just kind of lame endgame wise. Was always more of a fan of 2 where legendaries felt properly legendary, and building around those legendaries rather than anoints was the end game

Use your fucking words stupid. If she’s that close to you actually talk about what you’re saying here then.

Idk I feel like the solution is to just not believe that stupid shit, or if you’re going to just be a good Christian and not have opinions on how others live ya know. Confession was always so weird to me, I grew up Catholic and part of my religion class was a mandatory confessional and as a six year old at the time I had no idea wtf to be sorry for lol.


Anytime, it’s my rightful duty as the guardian of this sub and someone who appreciates real art/ artists to call out someone who posts the same nude photo of a woman to 65 other subreddits which include but are not limited to porn subreddits.

Being a fraud must suck so my only wish is for him to try harder next time.