He’s really not that bad, lol. One of the slowest, most readably telegraphed bosses in the game. Is the charge hitbox annoying/broken? Absolutely. But he only uses that move once or twice over the course of the fight, and it shouldn’t kill you on its own even if you can’t dodge. Get more scadfrags, or just learn the fight. Far from the worst fight in the DLC.

So is this like an “equipment of champions” thing? I’ve completed mom’s quest line.

It is kind of awesome to think about the one person who doesn’t have internet and just loves these games, who just plays the crap out of the game and tries everything possible until they figure out how to complete a quest and get the reward. Probably a really unique, fun experience…. now where was I in the wiki

Insanely impressive, congrats on the clean kill. Probably the single coolest clip I've seen from this game. Thanks for posting

Colossal weapon setups literally give you the simplest way to capitalize on those “one hit openings” everyone is complaining about with the DLC bosses. I think pure-casters have the hardest time against the new bosses personally, which is ironic since they’re usually branded the easiest to play.

What do you mean? Is there something I should know about collecting ashes from beetles before I go to NG+?

Just wait until NG+ and hit cap easily by finding the obvious ones again. I am a little worried about the balance of doing the DLC in Ng+ cycles will be skewed because you’ll basically start with +20 for every cycle after NG.

At least with the new DLC you have something like 20 larval tears per cycle. Agreed that lowering your level would be a nice feature - especially for the scadutree levels.

On Sanma no less… congrats on the streak. Seems statistically very hard to achieve.

That is a lot of words to say that some DLC mobs have a high poise threshold

This is the correct answer - different enemies’ weaknesses are more exploitable with different strategies

Heavy weapons stagger lock those guys FYI. Low poise seems to be their weakness

Your post seems to indicate the low poise damage of light greatswords as a weapon class, not anything to do with the “dual nature” of mobs

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