Exactly! Just like all those women who were sexually assaulted. They were asking for it, dressing all cute like that.


Toadstool might work if you have a big batch you want to spoil quickly.

How are you exploring the caves with Chester? Doesn't he get left behind aboveground?

Well, they didn't get the memo. I didn't think Pinot refers to white wine either.

A Google search for "pinot" shows Pinot Noir as the first result.

Perhaps "universally" is an overstatement.

I see you shaming an SMB owner for doing their best to earn a living. I don't see you offering meaningful solutions. Seems like meaningless virtue signaling to me. I'm glad you feel better about yourself!

Hey, I just wanted to say you're doing a great job trying to figure this out. I appreciate you being self-aware and open to feedback.

How does it feel now that your virtue is signalled? Good?

Davie504 intensifies

Did you watch the entire press focused only on her? Doubt.

I watched the clip. Doesn't seem edited. 100% looks like she faked the yawn, intending it as a slight. No one half-asses a yawn like that, twice, in real life.

Do us a favor and watch it for yourself before commenting.

Wait, I thought you said that they weren't importing skilled labor? So are they skilled or not?

In any case, having a deeper labor pool means more value-creating activities can take place. Perhaps there were businesses that couldn't survive if they could hire only citizens, and now that they can access cheaper labor they are able to operate and be productive.

It's not great for the citizen skilled labor who wouldn't be able to demand higher wages due to scarcity, true -- I get it. It's just inaccurate to say that immigrants "take away from the nation", at least in the economic sense.

Now if you mean immigrants take away from the nation in an "ethic purity" sense, then that's a different conversation.

It is a good shrubbery. I like 'er laurels particularly.