Fallout feeling closer to reality every day.

He’s an awful person, but you’d probably get along with him. His kids look just fine and you should spend your free time learning about his politics instead of insulting minors. I fear they’ll grow up to be like him though.

You put an air tag on a jumper? Yeah I’m gonna call bullshit on this one.

Join the Y. Lots of pools to choose from

Was there an Uber data leak? Maybe they got your number from that and are trying to rope you in on a scam. Otherwise there’s no way they’d have your number unless you give it out on a card.

  1. Y’all are crazy. Put on a T-shirt and some shorts.

Welcome to late stage capitalism.

Was thinking of arresting you for drinking Montucky. I wish the beer lived up to the cool art on its can.

The chance of your band lasting more than a few year or two without a relationship in the mix is minimal so might as well be messy and have fun while you’re young. Go for it.

Would you believe me if I told you the nashville metro area population is at least 5 to 6 times as big as Knoxville’s?

Why take your toddler on vacation? They’re not gonna remember it.

That’s what I do too but I think it’s what OP is tired of. As am I.

Yes, sorry to kill your joy in speculating as to just how f’d people in taller wooden structures without basements might be in a serious storm/tornado. Apologies for being a wet blanket for your disaster porn.

This is the second or so post I’ve seen like this made by somebody who doesn’t live in one and I’m thinking y’all are more excited about the tall skinny’s getting destroyed than you are worried for the residents who live in them.

Doing uber as a date night? Trying to wrap my head around that but more power to you. Do you even make back what you spend on a babysitter?

Good is subjective I guess but it probably tastes better with no kids at the table 😂

Yeah, pack a lunch if you are too poor to tip. Fuck it, pack a lunch even if you can afford to tip. Ordering out on the job is dumb. I watched so many coworkers throw money away on $15 salads every lunch hour m-f.

This sounds like Nashville in general lol

Buying the zoned school, its teachers and the largesse of the individual PTO as all public schools in Nashville are the same district.

Thought it was a picture of Gaza for a split second.