Hell yeah. I ate it with butter pecan ice cream. So good.

Exactly! Such a good mix. Also great with apple pie. Nomnom

Thank you! It was so good. I had butter pecan with it.

90 days? That’s awesome! If you ever need to talk don’t hesitate to reach out.

I have reached a 1 year alcohol free and I made a blueberry pie!

I honestly can’t believe I made it a year. I have had such a terrible relationship with alcohol since I was a preteen and has just gotten worse as I became older.

My last days of drinking last year was filled with regret, self loathing and suicidal thoughts.

Don’t get me wrong, I still have hard days that make me feel down and worthless but I bounce back up way faster and remember I deserve to live.

I’m still learning to love myself and accept what has happened to me growing up. It’s hard but I’m up for the challenge.

I love baking and blueberry. So I made a blueberry pie. My place smells amazing and wish you all could try it. Hahaha


368 days

I’m alive.

I’m still dealing with my mental health but if I were drinking I would have sunken deeper into my dark thoughts and honestly who knows what would have happened. Nothing good that’s for sure.

Also my skin looks way healthier.

I’m a massage therapist that works for myself. I control my hours and take advantage of the slow days.

Hell yeah! I’m 5’2 as well and we have similar legs. I feel like everything is changing but my abdominal area is so stubborn. I know it’ll take more time until that goes down more but you are killing it!!