You have to clear the blue flowers.

You access it via a different portal.

To the left of the circle you drew is a dynamite generator. It costs 30 energy and spits out 5 level 2 dynamite sticks

Ok, but why is he driving on THAT side of the car?

What the hell is going on with this town?

You ok, West Fargo?

What do you mean? He's always been the king!

Traffic lights are out from the fargodome all the way to Broadway on 19th avenue.

Those aren't the shoes you merge. If I remember correctly, they are used, along with other items, to give you the shoes to merge.

I had this event a week ago (?) and thought it was very confusing.

Yeah, the only time I actually beat the event I had to buy energy and used the rainbow rock. Now I just play these events to collect the coins.

I seem to always be an event behind. I currently have the Mother's Day event. It ends today for me.

Same. It feels so deceptive.

For me, there is a consistent deadspot on 13th Av and 45th street, which I find odd as there are no really tall buildings near the road there.

I just started playing this summer. I am 3/4 of the way through level 28. Just finished the garage. I'm working on Gemma, the polar bear, and the sailfish.

It's a fun, low stress distraction.

Because of course they did. At what point can we say this is treason?

What is the best way to peel a butternut squash?

How do you do it without wasting so much of it or, heaven forbid, cutting yourself?


I'm in ND. It happens in most schools in my district. Some years are worse than others. One year, we had a 2nd grade student who would send the school into lockdown every day. It doesn't happen on a daily basis in my classroom... I've never had to evacuate my students, but the gym teacher has.

I've been an elementary music teacher for 25 years. Over the years, I've noticed that children have less and less ability to regulate their emotions: more tantrums, more destructive rage, more crying when challenged.

We used to send disruptive kids to the office. Now when a child goes on a destructive rampage, we evacuate the rest of the class while he/she destroys the classroom. And the rest of the kids generally take it in stride.

We drove past there today. The sign said they would be open September 2.