Of wa CD's opzetten en met heel de auto meezingen (wij namen altijd meerdere studio 100 CD's mee op reis: Plop, K3, Samson en Gert,...). Of luister CD's (van het Geluidshuis), ook heel leuk. Of speel een spel zoals "ik zie, ik zie wat jij niet ziet en het is..." of dierenketting. Of geef 'm een boek.

Duizend mogelijkheden om uwe kleine weg te houden van een fantasie wegzuigende tablet.


Probably daily contracts (every day a new contract)


Ik had ergens gehoord dat die kost niet hoger mag zijn dan een drankje. Of misschien maken ze die niet hoger dan een drankje omdat je dan even goed nog ne cola had kunnen kopen daar.
Bij TML is de refund fee 2 parels/bonnen, wat de prijs van ne cola is.
Bij Rock Werchter is de refund fee 1 coin/bon, wat volgens mij ook de prijs van ne cola is (€3,50).

Maar zoals anderen ook zeggen, die kost is 100% om u te weerhouden uw €5 tegoed niet terug te vragen. Het terugbetalen gebeurd volledig automatisch, dus de enige kost die zij hebben is de transactie kost (en het opzetten van zo'n systeem).

Wat is ne milieubox?

You get an average of 30k XP per Plunder game. So that's about 70k XP per hour. So you got to play about 7 hours of Plunder. Throw on a double XP token and it's less.

In BR or Resurgence, I think you get less XP because you're less focused on contracts (2.5k xp per contract) and looting (100xp per container), and more on killing (200 xp per kill + bonus) or winning.
Also, while you're dead, you don't really get xp, unless your team wipes a squad or completes contracts.

I don't know about MP or MWZ xp rates. It might be the same or even better than Plunder if you're getting decent kills or playing the objective.

I should start building model tanks. I'll never be good at gaming.

Could be. I was surprised to see an American using his blinkers.

It was 10 years apart 😐 I don't go to concerts/festivals very often, nor do I go over photos and videos of 10 years ago (especially 3.5 MP photos)

I don't get what the cop did wrong here. He put on his lights (and probably sirens), and started blinking to the left. The driver shouldn't have kept driving and tried to overtake the cop from the left.

The only thing the cop could've done, is take longer to slow down, but you should always be able to stop if the car in front of you brakes.

Ik verwacht van de gemiddelde Groen stemmer niet anders

I did this a couple of times, recording a concert. Once with my first cellphone, a Nokia with a 3.5 MP camera, and once with a smartphone at TML.
The first footage is obviously crap and I would only look back at it for the nostalgia.
The footage from the TML mainstage was not bad, but I don't think I've watched it again after the event. You just can't capture the experience of confetti going over your head while standing in front of the mainstage with a smartphone. (maybe with a 360 camera you can)

Now I only take a picture here and there, or maybe a short video. It's just not worth it to record a whole song at a concert.

Wat bedoel je met toepassen? Verbanden zoeken en vergelijken met het heden?

(ik heb het oude leerplan gehad)


Is it winter already?? That's early

I don't get why Americans keep their grass so short. You might as well just remove all of the grass. Grass should be at least 2-3 inches long imo.


Stem er dan gewoon niet op, zo moeilijk is dat toch niet. Als hun standpunten zo slecht zijn, dan zullen ze wel niet zoveel stemmen halen zeker.

Of nee, wacht... 🤔


Show a screenshot of the taskmanager. Judging by the fans spinning so hard, there's probably a program running in the background that's eating all of the power.

Edit: useful post 

That's another way to make sure this never happens again

You could always print covers/lids for each square, so when you open it upside down next time they won't fall out. Or put each kind in a separate ziplock bag.

Dan zou ge elke dag heel België op meerdere wetten moeten laten stemmen. En er zijn er nu al een miljoen dat een stemming dat één keer om de 4 jaar gebeurd missen. Hoeveel gaan er elke dag stemmen?

(Of anders verwoord: wa is uw Duolingo streak?)


Darcula has less than 2k downloads and a 2 star rating. I believe the title might be a bit clickbait.

Edit: I think I misinterpreted the article. The extension above was their extension to check how many downloads it would get.
The malicious extension they mention (that's among the many malicious they found) that they found (CWL Beautifyer) doesn't exist anymore. Or they changed its name, but either way, extensions with "CWL" in the name don't have a lot of downloads.
I'd recommend going for the popular extensions with 100k+ downloads and you should be safe.

Crazy. Have you done long rides (> 200km) before that? At what time did you start? In the evening so you start in the dark, or in the morning so you end in the dark?

Did you have any pain you had to endure, like from your saddle, in your back, legs,...?