I want to squeeze that thing. It's so fluffy!!!

Nah, they show up. You're just getting downvoted my man.

Glad to hear it!! I hope you have a wonderful summer!

Yes I was simply replying to someone else. None of us actually know anything lol

Well those other people are obnoxious, rude, and downright mean. Ignore them!!! You're both gorgeous and look perfect together! There is no such thing as not "physically" fitting with another. All that matters is love!

Well obviously. You ever met people? Lol assumption is alllll we do. Luckily assuming stuff on the web isn't a big deal, assuming in real life is the downfall of humanity.

There's a huge caveat to doing something like that tho. It must be discussed beforehand (yes which ruins the surprise i know). You do not ever just do that to someone after they've completed something like that. The convo should go "if I proposed to you after one of your races, at the finish line, how would you feel? Or what about after you've done X Y Z?" There are clever ways to gauge someone's reaction to such a thing.

What does "physically fit" as a couple mean? Just curious. Yall are beautiful together or alone!

We need one of those reels where it's like "oh you're so happy and in love and not single, screw you" LOL

They really are just so damn cute!! - another grumpy old lady with a mushy heart

They were using the word insane in a very common way, ie. Something is "wild" or "out there" or "over the top". Our words have many different meanings and they weren't using it as a slur at all. It's far different than using the word "retarded" for example since the only other definition is for something to be "retarded" which is slowed (generally only used in music terms) but it's not a common word with many meanings.

I understand where you're coming from. I have a few loved ones who are very mentally ill and I appreciate where your heart is, but that person was not doing anything wrong.

I am niche? I never in my wildest dreams would have thought that I am "niche". What an interesting perspective.

Red Bull was a client of mine at one point, so I did a deep dive into all of their craziness and learned a lot of really cool stuff!

One of my old friends used to do this trick as well. She'd double down and also be sure to fall asleep on her arm in a certain way so it would fall asleep and then wake her. The strange things humans do for a couple hours sleep! Lol

Technically he jumped from the stratosphere. Also, shout out to a non red bull person Alan Eustace who then jumped from even higher in the stratosphere two years later and broke Baumgartner's record!

No, you misunderstood. They said IF they had any money. Lol, we're all broke.

I probably said that 27 times a day. It is absolutely perfect.

I imagine the dog is the one saying "good boy"

Why would someone hurt something else for monetary gain you ask? Well I'd like to point you to the human race.

I have no idea if this video is legit or not, but don't ever forget we've been hurting animals/the environment/other humans for monetary gain since time immemorial.