The things to know to stay on the good side of the community.

  1. Level 1-10 go normal. 10 or higher for hard. Level 25 for the difficulties higher than hard. Unless ur a medic or support, the higher the difficulty means the enemies have higher health and do more damage as well as being a lot more of them. Coupled by the fact u earn less each round at higher difficulty. Otherwise ur putting a burden on the team to cover ur damage and kills.

  2. Do not do fire damage to a scrake.

  3. Work as a team. Meaning, cover someone who’s getting overrrun, heal ur team mates and share dosh when ur able to. Going off on ur own when ur new means ur gonna have a bad time.

  4. Be polite.

  5. HoE is ONLY for the experienced. Stay away unless u know the game/have characters at lvl 25/part of a group u know. Otherwise, mistakes are heavily punished on that difficulty so people are more easily angered.

  6. If the most of the party is at the objective holding it down, DO NOT go off by urself and kill enemies outside the area. It’s considered a dick move.

I’ve been playing KF since the first one on pc and the community overall is very nice and pleasant when u do the above.

Then add the aspect that does 2 more waves.

Beelzebub. One of those anime’s that made me laugh and smile.

But the orders would be spaced out and not bum rushed all at once. Drive thru stifles the bum rush and makes it where ur only getting 2-3 orders before u make one before the next one can be taken because they have to wait for someone to drive off before taking an order.

It’s like 2-3 orders every few minutes compared to 6-8 orders u have to make right now on top of the flow of drive thru.

There’s quite a few factors at play here. It’s 3rd shift so skeleton crew, there’s probably 1 other person besides that manager.

Before door dash, that’s fine because it’s drive thru, u can somewhat control the work flow because of the drive thru meaning 2-3 orders max before u take another order before it’s finished.

Door dash/Uber eats orders drop out of nowhere and if ur the only place open, then when ur 3rd shift lunch rush is about to start, u will literally get 10-15 orders at one time on top of the orders u get thru drive thru.

Now u got irate customers, severely understaffed and there’s a timer for every order so now the timer is messed up for ur shift and it looks like ur shift is going slow or not working correctly. So not only do the customers make ya feel bad bc they upset they gotta wait bc massive orders dropped but also ur company is now breathing down ur back like u did something wrong bc the timers are off while busting ur ass bc of the short staff u have.

DoorDash/Uber eats upset and make work flows extra crazy/hectic and put more stress on the fast food workers.

I don’t care about how she looks. My biggest issue is WHERE is EDDIE at? We’ve seen everyone cept him and pyramid head.

I know, it just checks. I was saying I go broke before credit check so I have an ingame reason for my character to do HH so they can earn money to get into the strip.

I understand this! Here’s my characters motivation in doing the dlcs.

1st is honest hearts. I make sure to buy all the implants and weapons before I do the credit check. I use HH as my money maker to get into the strip.

2nd is dead money. After I have killed Benny, I do Dead Money as a way to get away from the pressures of whichever faction I am with. I delivered the chip, I don’t need to start stabilizing a faction, I need a vacation!!

3rd is OWB. I do this either by stumbling upon it on my way to or leaving Ceasers summon. Or when I’m doing quests that has me dealing with factions or he’ll stumble upon it when I’m taking pictures. Curiosity is what makes me touch the satellite.

4th is LR. I finally listen to the radio broadcast when I’m in the homestretch. The end is coming and my character feels it and feels like they gotta tie up this loose end that we have been hearing about the certain individual.

Lmao, I remember arguing with morrowinites back when Skyrim came out. They made me play it so I’d have a good argument and found out that they gotta lotta good points. Morrowind became my favorite though. Oblivion can get shitted on but that game has the best ai and quests.

From a guy’s point of view, there’s several reasons. First reason is because people don’t know WHEN to get married. Usually people get married to soon because of feelings. Marriage is a lifetime commitment so u wanna date the other person for at least 3-4 years bc if u can’t do that and still want to see the person all the time, how are ya gonna handle 40+ years of seeing that person everyday? The second reason is guys are ignorant to the changes of lifestyles that will change. Have ur own place with all ur own stuff? 95% of that stuff will get replaced with what she wants within the first year or 2. Couches/dishes/way things are set up will change to how she wants it to be, not how “WE” want it to be. You can stand ur ground but it will always be an issue that she will try to change especially every 4-5 years when she wants everything new or changed to something different. Even you as a person, she will try to change into something she finds more desirable and while everyone changes over the years, the kind of change that is forced on ya messes with your pysche/confidence. Third reason is and part of the second reason is your personal space/time is gonna be very shortened to almost nonexistent. Times with friends or playing video games/doing hobbies will be dramatically reduced. There’s always gonna be something to do or wanna talk or spend time with her. For some reason I’ve found out that when ur having fun or invested in something without her, it drives them crazy that they normally have to interject themselves into the situation. Guys don’t always wanna be around someone and need time for themselves just to themselves but hardly ever get it unless it’s “earned”. 4th reason is the communication. You’re gonna communicate differently and even argue differently. 9 times outta 10, it’s gonna be “YOUR” fault. That’s not even counting the times you’re gonna get in an argument simply because she’s bored.

There’s many more not counting when u get married, your already under the impression that if she ever is unhappy and wants a divorce, she gets half ur stuff (even though most of your stuff originally gets replaced already with stuff she wanted) and u gotta fight for the half the guy gets because there’s more than 50% chance she’s gonna take from that as well.

Seeing how many people can’t even date for 2 years without breaking up, the chances are not very good for marriage right off the bat. Few people can make it work or stars aligned, but a majority of the people are not even ready for marriage or are mature enough to make it work.

My advice is not to get married and just date for years on end with each having their own place to stay. When kids involved, that’s a whole another ball game.

As someone who was raised “fire and brimestone” southern Baptist, it was explained to me this way as the reason. They say Jews are God’s “chosen” people and that God has always rewarded and looked favorably upon the countries and people who back or side with the Jews against their enemies or opponents.

The courier controls the Mojave “military” but not the logistics/laws/etc. With yes man, we pick the groups because they are still going with the same rules they’ve already had and play nice with others already. The courier isn’t like House/NCR/Legion in that they change the identities and rules that apply to the citizens. The Mojave keeps going like the groups already have been because the courier isn’t in control of them.

By power vacuum, I’m talking about the same problems that the NCR and Legion have but not Mr House, and that is the next person who will change everything. NCR after Tandi’s 80+ years in office, when she left the NCR started going downhill with Brahmin barons and merchants mainly controlling the politics and direction of the NCR. When Edward dies, the Legion goes in a different direction under Lanius or his bodyguard. Since the courier doesn’t actually change anything culture or laws wise, they don’t enact any identity that isn’t already there so when the courier dies or walks off into the wasteland like they usually do, there’s nothing there besides the police force that will continue once someone steps in to fill the vacuum once the people fill like they need someone in charge.

Another major flaw is that yes man is more of a corporation ending than any of the others if the courier is in control because yes man is literally a yes man and cannot say no. No matter the idea, he will say yes and get it done which is nice for player power fantasy but the courier isn’t infallible and will make mistakes and won’t have anyone there to stop them. How many bad ideas and dangerous situations have companies done because the head of the company surrounded themselves with yes men and nobody would say anything when mistakes or bad ideas were going on.

The only flaw I have with people who go with yes man is that they believe they will be the ruler of the Mojave whereas the ending slides don’t say a thing about being in charge. The courier only gets to chose who’s gonna remain around after the battle of Hoover dam.

The name of the quest is about anarchy. There’s no one in charge in anarchy and no one is in charge with a yes man ending. It’s fine if u don’t like the Legion, NCR or House, but by going with yes man all ur doing is creating a power vacuum for another same situation to arise on people trying to take over the Mojave in the future.

When on Friday and Saturday nights, they would play cheesy old horror movies while having Anne Nicole smith and Elvira hosting and talking shit for the commercial breaks

My grandpa made me this when I was little. Banana and mayo sandwich (not that much mayo), banana and peanut butter sandwich, tomatoe and mayo sandwich and tomato and peanut butter sandwiches.

When ur hungry and broke, u come up with all types of sandwiches lol.

As someone who fought morrowinites on the forums when Skyrim came out before I got converted to one……morrowinites are nothing compared to No Mutants Allowed when FO3 came out.

Augur is gonna be fearless. Like no fear of anything at all. So a fearless sniper vs a coward sniper.