Monkey in Space

Wish he felt this excited about paying US taxes…

My friends and I coined the BFS (burp, fart, sneeze ). In which case, it resets the matrix.

The miseducation of Lauryn hill and Jagged little pill

Awesome show! Loved the light show, the LOVE, the energy!

The dems can come up a better candidate. This is hugely disappointing

People blindly following an orange idiot or backing a senile idiot.

Worshipping/defending celebrities when they are the scum of the earth…surprise! Taylor Swift doesn’t know you—she’s a billionaire!

Your parents are gorgeous! Your dad 🤩😍

Colorblind—counting crows Halfway Home—Jason Mraz

Former BB employee here. This says it all. I truly miss the 8am Saturday morning team meetings.