Wonder if on some of the long haul legs they could eliminate an extra crew member for rest periods and how that might change the pay scale

How do you trim a cirrus? You turn the autopilot on and off.

For track limits yes. For leaving space no. Particularly on a straight. You can't force someone to have 2 tires in the grass on a straight. Just because there is paved surface that can be used doesn't mean you're allowed to force someone onto it.

No you can't push them off as such. Not on a straight. We aren't at the corner quite yet nor are we on exit where the rules are different. And yes, everyone in Spain thought what Lando did was outside of the rules, but it's lap 1 and no collision happened nor did it result in any lasting advantage. I'd challenge you to find an example where the stewards penalized this in the past.

No a full cars width to the edge of the track. Meaning max is required to leave a cars width to the white line as Norris A has overlap and B max has made a defensive move.

Or are you insinuating that a driver should be able to make a defensive move and then force the other driver to move further left or right? Because that's never been how F1 has viewed that.

And frankly the fragile wheels is the only reason this is a story. Ever since they increased the wheel size the rims have failed a lot easier. We've had wheel face to wheel face collisions in the past and it not been an issue prior. Now these wheels seem to fall apart with a light touch side to side.

Except max is returning towards the racing line after a defensive move, meaning he has to leave a cars width to the edge of the track. Furthermore with a car alongside on a straight (they haven't turned for the corner yet) you are required to leave a cars width to the edge of the track even if the racing line would take you into that space.

Except the Lando isn't moving laterally and max is. Max made his defensive move inside meaning he's now bound by the space Lando leaves him on approach to the corner. Max is also obligated to leave a cars width to the edge of the track which is the white lines. Lando has no obligation to open up the corner any wider.

Yea, verstappens rim broke whereas it seems like Landos tire itself got cut.

The only carbon that came off it was the tip of the wing and even then it wasn't doing that until he's at the corner before the pitlane off the racing line...... gee where is he going to go stop right before that corner and gaurantee a safety car or take it to the pits. He didn't drive half a lap with a destroyed car from hitting the wall. He drove a single corner and then into the pitlane with a tire coming apart

That's how I view it too. Lando wasn't a saint with his attempts and were just as much give me space or we crash. You could realistically give max 2 penalties, one for the first defensive move in reaction, and the second for the contact. Lando got one for running wide on his own, and then later forced max off. And of course the track limits penalty. Neither really respected the other and frustrations seem to get the best of both.

What he was attempting to do is perfectly fine. He just went too far left. Every single driver after making a defensive move will try to move back towards the racing line. Max didn't leave enough space

I dont think either really raced the other super fair. Yes max moved in reaction and I still think could post race receive another penalty (haas fan in me kinda hopes so for hulk), and the collision is 100% his fault. But lando's dive bombs also were from a good ways back with a lot of speed differential and not likely to hold the corner. Both could have raced with a tad more respect for each other and we probably don't have the collision. Seemed like both got increasingly frustrated with the other and got more aggressive.

I dont know why max felt he needed to squeeze lando so hard into 3, release the brake a bit and roll to the apex, if you beat him there max would be allowed to run lando wide and it be perfectly within the rules and you keep the place.

Is he still saying it wasn't Max's fault?

Yep. Max to his mind probably intended to leave enough space and thought he did. In the moment he's not going to suddenly stop thinking that.

I think that's going to be on max. He moved off the line and I don't think he left a cars width for Lando. Think he could get 2 penalties for this race. The first moving under braking and the collision with Lando

His rear wing is fucked as well.