MAGA doesn’t care at all for the NT - unless it’s the cherry picked parts about Paul telling women to be quiet and of course the end times of Revelation.

NT is the complete opposite of MAGA values.

Revolutions are so weak - in my couple previous dozen or so runs no country goes revolutionary and it just fizzles out after 50 years. Plus now any monarchy that goes revolutionary loses their alliances with other monarchies and makes crushing the revolution that much easier.

This is even made better with the unify China CB which gives you cores on all of China if you occupy the land. Literally free land.

Usually in the 1600s their decadence starts catching up to them. The moment you get the event popups for those (“Power Struggle in the Ottoman Empire” I think is the first one), you declare on them. It’ll only accelerate and snowball their collapse as then other countries will attack them as the vulture AI tends to do.

Decadence also lowers their fort defense so it’s very easy to siege them down.

Never was about the kids, never will be. They’re only a speaking point like vets.

Doesn’t matter to them. As long as the checks clear and they get paid they’ll keep saying shit.

I find playing at 5 speed gets me to like 1750 pretty fast and sometimes I don’t even realize it. I like it since usually I have so much money even after max upgrading all great projects and building every building possible.

It is a pain sieging level 8 forts though.

As others have said, that disinherit button is pretty handy. Another alternative if you don’t want the -50 prestige hit is to make the heir a general (assuming it’s a guy), place em in charge of a stack and drill em until he has an accident. Could happen very fast or take forever, it’s all RNG.

I remember a war where I was Yuan (started as Oirat) and fought a massive commonwealth over the last few provinces needed for the Mongol Empire. Don’t remember how long it lasted, but it dragged long enough we both had zero manpower and only using merc stacks. Over 5 million casualties at the end of it all.

Brig of war fully decked out with upgrades is like a mini Ship of the Line imo, it is my go-to ship. Ship of the Line, which I only managed to capture once, is best of its class and also enjoyable.

The problem is that Russia has never known anything other than an autocratic strongman, even in Soviet times. It goes back centuries to the czars and they’ve just learned to put their heads down and hope to make it.

Really? I’d like to know more about this. Good on Ukraine for developing their own datalink! Elon takes another L, let em keep stacking.

I once colonized as Ruthenia. Took Corsica in a peace deal with Genoa (declared for Azov) and decided why not. Managed to get mostly Eastern America.

Edit: Corsica, not Sardinia. Genoa doesn’t own Sardinia, Aragon does.

Muscovy at the start is surrounded by countries that aren’t exactly pushovers - the hordes ally other, Poland gets Lithuania, and the land is economically trash. A lot of the time I see them get pushed in by Poland, but they barely survive by annexing the hordes and making their way to Mongolia/China leaving Siberia wide open (no Siberian frontiers since Poland more likely than not owns the provinces needed to form Russia).

The right keeps bringing up H.R 2, their proposal, and how it’s been sitting on Schumer’s desk for months now, but what they don’t mention it’s hyper partisan (wants to resume building the wall and require all workers to be documented) and it’s DOA in the Senate.

The other bill is bipartisan and has a real chance of being passed. But the GOP said it themselves, they don’t want to hand Biden a win.

I don’t get it, why don’t we just live stream the border and every time someone screams “border crisis” just send them the livestream?

She literally just encouraged people to vote - didn’t say what party to vote for, but just to vote - and that was all the right needed to be deeply hostile. They don’t want more people voting.

When the AI doomstacks against me, I can only respond mutually. Is it wasteful? Yes. But I can’t help it.

I have the same setup except with SCAR L and H switched. Slap on a fairy with crit damage and wooo boy those damage numbers from SCAR L get very big.

I remember there being an event for it where Hungary inherits Croatia if they fall under a PU - happened in my Provence run after I used the CB so I assume that’s always the case for any country that gets Hungary.

In my last Korea run, I sieged one fort in Kamchatka and the Russians sent a stack of 100k to retake it. AI has really bizarre priorities.

Two Siciliies: maybe if I stand perfectly still, they won’t notice me.

I’m grateful for the gray zone exploration, breathed new life into the game for me

Right wing’s been screaming, “Biden won’t do anything and respond to the attacks!” Now that he has, they’ll now start screaming “Biden’s getting us into WW3!”

Yeah but that doesn’t work for their narrative of the “big guy” taking his 10% cut. You can’t get 10% of an Abrams tank or Javelin launcher.

Dumb repubs gonna dumb