I love water (especially w a bit of lime squeezed in bit not necessary), but I also drink coffee (black mostly, but sometimes w frufru stuff in it) and beer. Soda is not my thing. If I am going to have that much sugar coursing through my blood, it will because I ate cookies or ice cream.

Because they want our books for sexual pleasure and not to contain, ya know... mammary glands. To feed babies. Cuz if we do that in public it's disgusting.

I wear exactly one necklace, and I never take it off. I have to position it just so when I sleep so I don't feel like it's choking me, but I feel naked without it. Been going on 25 years wearing it. It's the same w all the jewelry I wear- once I put it on, it stays on forever.

Yes. Florida's beaches were clocking 102-103F last summer.

I've been using head and shoulders for years. So cheap. So good.

I also use the purple kangaroo conditioner... also so cheap and so good.

Get a bidet. They sell portable ones on amazon. Rinse your ass til it's clean.

Once you get more than one shitter in the house, you can never go back!

The bottom of my hair has never faded, and I don't reapply on my lengths. My first application was in 2021.

Don't forget microplastics. Those cleaners of the oceans (all shellfish) are just chockerbock full of them

I physically cannot listen to either of them speak.

My food intake almost directly correlates to my mental health. I don't eat when I'm stressed. And when it's a bad period, I feel like I'm going to puke even thinking about eating, but I have to in order to not pass out.

Lol yeah but they're squishy and cute and waaaaay cooler than grown humans.

Let your kiddo do the things you do. Let them "help" in all the ways they can. It will take you 2× as long to do everything, but it's still less time total than trying to entertain them and still do all your stuff.

I wish, to my very core, that someone would play w my hair. It feels so nice. My husband has big, fat fingers, and he can't play w my hair. I work w small humans, but they don't seem interested, either. It's a conundrum.

Welcome. Welcome to the juxtaposition of loving your long hair but having it piss you off all the time. My hair has been between hip and classic length (currently tailbone where it's the longest I actually like it) for 3+ years, and I almost always have it up in a stick bun, big claw clip or three smaller claw clips. I love my hair, but I hate it being all over my body while I'm working or doing... anything. And I wear it in a silk bonnet when I'm at home, especially when I sleep. It's a common thing for women to take their bra off when they come home first thing; mine is to "put my hair away" into a bonnet, even tho it's already 99% of the time up in some sort of restraining device.


I love the heat because I hate being cold. But you couldn't pay me enough money to sit in a public pool. The reason your eyes burn is not because of the chlorine... it's because of the feces and urine the chlorine is trying to disinfect.

I'm sure you can. And I'm actually pagan too, but this way I get a little card that says based on my "religion" they can't deny me services.

It doesn't matter anyway; the whole world is fucked.

Maybe waterfront property. There will be no beaches, because sand takes a long time to make. Once it get stripped back or covered up by the ocean, there won't be any more for a long time.

I feel like I'm in trouble when people, especially my spouse, calls me by name. I don't mind so much if work people use my name, cuz they add a Ms. to it (I work w tiny humans and their teachers, so this is the norm), but when it's just my plain ol name, it freaks me out.

I call jeans "hard pants" and I wear them as little as humanly possible. And when I do, I have two pairs to choose from- a skinny pair (fuck the youngens) and a pair of super low riding, extra long, frayed pair that I've had for almost 20 years (from the Before Times, before even skinny jeans were cool).