Okay, but that's obviously not what OP is referring to, so why try to frame it as that?

Not giving Sam the serum was the dumbest decision. Hopefully that changes in this movie. Super soldiers are too dope to pass up.

Still more useful overall than superspeed. Regardless, in this scenario, Naruto isn't giving up his superspeed for teleportation. He has it in addition to. So there's no argument for him not to learn it, unless he just lacked the capabilities to master it.

That makes no sense. Teleportation will always be more useful than super speed. That becomes more apparent the farther the distance. Plus there are many more useful applications for FTG than just travel speed.

Nah, the horse doesn't mind. Cause it's dead

I don't think it's a chakra reserve issue like people are saying. It was never implied to be incredibly chakra taxing. I think the reasoning for why it required three of Minato's body guards to be properly utilized, speaks more to the complexity of the jutsu more than anything. Plus you need to be a really talented sensor like Tobirama or Minato to use it, and Kakashi isn't that.

Idk. Like I said. It's fucking stupid and makes no sense.

Her situation absolutely does happen in real life. It's just having the right combo of talent, likability, and connections. We are not all created equal lol

How many Naruto fans does it take to tell one person they can't read? Apparently, all of them..

During the meeting at the end, he said something along the lines of " he can't bring someone back once they're dead". It makes no fucking sense but I guess that was their way of trying to cover that plot hole.

The whole plot of this show basically hinges on Michael being incompetent with his powers lol

Yea they pretty much had to make him incompetent, so that the story could have a plot lol

Yea you're right. I just watched the scene and Sarutobi said "invisible to all, but the one who cast the jutsu"

Are you sure? I'm pretty sure I remember Orochimaru freaking out after seeing the reaper when he fought Sarutobi.