It's hard to build a friend group. I love league of legends, so not being toxic comes easily. For whatever reason, lots of people play the game without seemingly getting any enjoyment. See the toxic players as addicts; they honestly don't even see you as a person. If you mute them, it will help you focus on yourself, and you will naturally improve.

It also helps to find people to queue normals with who are higher rank than you. You'll get stomped out in most games, but the process should expose some of your weaknesses that may not get punished at your current rank. "Lose is improve".

Bt has always felt good on him, I bet it losing crit was probably a win. I'll give it a shot. I think Draven has always been good because people struggle to manage the axes and don't know when to pressure to keep them up, so he gets to be strong.

Me too! If anything, I think it's more fair to say Cooking could use a "like Herblore" style rework, but the moment-to-moment training has more options like Smithing. I'm excited to see what they do with it when they take it past 99. I hope Cooking and Herblore can feel more competitive and have meaningful reasons to train both.

Yo what's the scoop on Draven right now? I haven't touched ADC in a hit minute but I do love some Draven.

1 out of 10. Putting so much emphasis on the outcome of a match that takes 20+ minutes is unhealthy and unfun. I enjoy playing League, and I enjoy trying to win. I don't enjoy putting a ton of emphasis on the outcome of the game. I care about enjoying the moment to moment gameplay.

My perspective comes from ironman.

I like where your head is at, but I don't think it could possibly work. Smithing can be reworked in this way because, aside from niche exceptions, there's one input into smithing: ores. The primary input skill for smithing is mining, with support of combat when you include bosses that drop ores. These drops have been nearly all replaced with stone spirits, leading to a healthier relationship between the two skills.

Crafting lacks this relationship with other skills. There are too many inputs: hides (from combat), gems and bars (from mining), spinning (from farming). The economy of drops would have to change too dramatically for it to even be feasible.

Add to this that it's not even clear this would be better for the skill. It's somewhat of a feature that an output for training the skill is a big pile of jewelry that can be used to support other skills. Compare this to smithing, where after you make that Rune Platedbody, wtf you gonna do with a second one? Yes I'm aware masterwork works differently, but I'd argue that masterwork smithing is a huge win for the smithing skill as a late game unlock.

It's funny that you are thinking about artisan skills this way because they've already reworked firemaking and construction to be like what you're proposing, with bonfires and fort (respectively).

Of the remaining artisan skills, I think the one with the most potential for a "like Smithing" rework is Cooking. Let me make a big and badass recipe with cool effects. Herblore with extra steps and different input economy.

Yeah this is what I like the most about the smithing rework, in addition to the progression curve being more smoothed out. Plus, no more "everything is just the previous but with more coal". Crafting doesn't have the issue, at least.

Unless I found the wrong things, all I see are leaks for a new Riot Client, which is different.

I know it's a bit broad of an answer, but a properly functioning client.

The League client is a total joke. Features that should be basic, like looking at detailed champion ability descriptions, are completely absent. The stats page is a total joke. Navigating is a nightmare. It feels like whoever made it is a professional graphics designer but not a professional UX designer.

The features that do exist are buggy as hell. The client feels like a project that uses 100 different code libraries to save time and money.

Whenever I play a polished game, it feels so bad when I come back to League.

Watch this over the Skill Capped video, OP. The Skill Capped video is a pretty terrible introduction to the game. They use game terms without defining them, and bombard you with a lot of information that you really just don't need to know. Their "beginner" video may as well be teaching someone to play piano by starting with a symphony. Take baby steps and stick to things you enjoy and you'll be fine.

People answering the prompt as intended but I'm over here thinking "Anivia vs Vladimir" because I love how Vladimir can do absolutely nothing to my champion. It's the easiest matchup ever and I come out of every laning phase way ahead.

Your math is definitely wrong. The odds you'd have a scroll by now are 1-(4999/5000)46000

Or in other words, about 99.9899%.

Fiora can use Redemption to proc one of her vitals as long as she stands on the correct side.

If you just follow the last digit of each number you can see that it doesn't work.

Big agree. Ironman in RS3 is the best way to experience RuneScape.

I hate how goofy she looks when she just bobs around on her genocide hoverboard

Gangplank is the only correct answer to this question. He's the hardest champion in the game. No character comes close.

He's incredibly strong too. A good Gangplank will make you wonder why he's not pick-or-ban. Then you first time him, go 0/12, and gain a bit of respect for the Gangplank you see next year that can pentakill your team.

Add to this that the game is massive. There is so much more to do than there was 20 years ago, so naturally people will be spread out.

Really any suggestion in this thread is a good one. Pick something that seems interesting to you, and work towards it.

I want to add: in RuneScape, there's no wrong way to play. There's no wrong path to take. Anything and everything you do will permanently progress your account in some meaningful way. Don't make your goals stressful.