There’s 40,000,000 more people that are unregistered to vote than people that are undecided.

The current strategy is to target the undecided voters. So the people currently in charge of campaign strategy

Newly registered means voted in the next election (general or midterm) after they registered to vote

Thought it was good . Wanted to share

You dont sound like a single issue voter to me.

Sounds like you’ve got a bunch of reasons why you’re voting for democrats this November. and thats a good thing :)

Oh yea, let’s believe the person that was duped the first time…. lol

Trump won’t leave peacefully. He didn’t last time. He’ll kill to keep himself in power

Voting isn’t just for the president. It’s voting for you Senator or house of rep or mayor or district attorney or whether your state legalizes marijuana or enshrined abortion in its constitution etc…

Every week? I only see it when I post it.

So I haven’t seen it that much.

Thanks so much to all who share it!

I could’ve uploaded it incorrectly :(