No , these are available only on SE tracks

Happens on your first race , most I got was 120k for 2nd position in MP

*New scoopwhoop article alert *

10 times people almost got fooled by someone pretending to be from scoopwhoop

Intern SaySainik

Pro tip : don't take SRV , or his movies or even his fanbase seriously

If the cataract is in starting stage, the doc would usually prescribe eye drops , if not so then they may suggest you to go for surgery but it's upto you whether you'd like to risk it .

In 10 days you'll find guys selling local made ones at traffic signals

Fixed already , don't think insurance can cover this

Heavy usage like gaming , maps & 1-2hr social media usage .

apart from heating issues due to heavy gaming , there aren't any other flaws in it afaik

Go for pixel 7pro , it meets all your requirements

S23U because longer life & software support compared to S22U

Where did you get it ? I'm also looking to buy one