The coooood lead to a little tiny library or nice plant :)


Do you guys check the medium before watering? Have you checked the roots at all? In the video, did you just water it before recording, or was it watered prior?

The soil looks reeeaaaally moist, so unless you had just watered it before recording, I’m going to lean towards overwatered and possible root rot if you haven’t checked the roots already. Sometimes they can throw a tantrum when repotting but it’s usually in being droopy for days, maybe one or two yellow leaves. The plant is killing off loads of leaves of all sizes really fast so definitely check the roots asap.

I hate that I’m bad at understanding money. In the sense that I don’t understand what any of this is, I don’t know what are assets, liabilities and stocks, ALL OF IT. I know absolutely none at 27 and the last time I asked my dad, I was 12 and he yelled at me saying it was common sense when he attempted to explain. All I’m good at is budgeting for things and saving, but this seems so completely different

How long does it take to learn these things? What are you investing in?? Are assets stocks?? What are all the different numbers? Where do you even start to begin to learn how all of this works 😭 I’m too embarrassed to ask an adult at this point

Oh my godddddd if my man did this I would be on the floor crying. Your curls gave so much shape and character to your face, almost like this soft allure of mystery that radiates within. That said, it’s not like you became ugly or downgraded because you still have the same face. It’s just.. more open and exposed now.

The dollar tree sells those plastic domes for humidity, so what you can do is plant them in moss or whatever medium you like, and keep them under the dome so it retains that same humidity and moisture as it was in the bag! Once it gets bigger, you can start acclimating it to less humidity.

But if you want to use them in your tank, i don’t see why not. I threw my Burle Marx in my tank because I was sick of it and it grew MASSIVELY. Some roots went into the stratum and some just went outwards. It had only a few leaves but now it’s a small little bush and I’m 80% sure it will die if I take it out because it was dying before it went in the tank 😭😂😩


A grow light would be the next best thing, but it definitely will be noticeable in your electricity bill if it’s not included with your rent 🥲 they need bright long hours of light so definitely find a light that provides what you need


You could try diatomaceous earth for a long run if you don’t want to use chemicals! When they walk through it, the cuts through their exoskeleton and rips them up. You can mix it in water but you gotta mix it really good and pour it in so it reaches the nest if there is one.


Oh that is some BAD scale. Get some rubbing alcohol because it dissolves their waxy shell and use a soft toothbrush or whatever you have that’s abrasive enough to rub off the scale but not too abrasive that it scratches the cactus.

Also the upper pads are long and narrow like that because it’s etiolated from lack of light. They really thrive with bright direct light so unless it’s by a window with full sun, keeping it indoors won’t really do it justice :/

I am not Italian and thought it was a fingering dildo thing 😭 I learned something about the cornicello and hand symbol at least


What are you watering with? You can try using silica for a boost since it helps variegated plants. I use it every other watering for my albo and so far it’s been doing good!

Also when you say “weather conditions” does that mean you’re also checking the soil and seeing how dry it is?

None of my monsteras liked any kind of wood pole/planks and prefer the moss poles. She clearly is digging it so I think you should size up the pot and attach another moss pole for her. If she’s leaning from weight, you can add one of those metal green sticks to give it extra support! :)

My monstera esq. looked just like that and I ended up doing “reconstructive root surgery” by opening up both moss poles and pulled out every aerial root until the plant was completely off the pole. I gave the entire plant a spray down outside, rinsed out the moss with rain water and started inserted the roots back into the moss pole. It was tedious inserting moss back into the pole with the roots already in, but it was clearly worth it because new leaves and growth points activated asap!

I think my begonia is unkillable, as in I forget for days and if becomes as flaccid and bent as a whales penis! And then I water it and it perks right back up 😂 It started as a two leaf cutting that I asked my neighbor from and it’s been growing nonstop since

Ahhhh amazing girl!! A hell of a deal :) where I’m at, albo cuttings go for $30 -$50 but normally with an activated node or roots so super awesome for you ✨🥹

How are the other leaves coming out? They kinda look all green, which means it could be a reverted albo, hence the cheap price.

However, $35 for an albo is a great deal!!! I hope you get some variegated growth

Long beach brown clay from aardvark! The mugs were dipped in blue celadon and double dipped with rutile pink :)

That is straight hilarious, it’s not even her fault that nature is just based on female genitalia 😂 I’m sure her work is amazing regardless!!


I’m a perv too!! Lol my slip painted orchids came out nice for my first time painting orchids but my friends said they looked like….. you know 😭😂

Yours look amazing though!! Love how they came out 💕😩👌🏼

I hope she super glues every single lid in that house before she leaves him for good

My parents wanted 5-6 kids but after me, they changed their mind. I was colicky and apparently cried for hours and hours straight. They left me with a baby sitter for five hours and the babysitter told my parents I cried the entire time and had no idea what to do (before cellphones).

I mean I have great lungs now, I can hold my breath for over a minute without purging and over 2 minutes with purging 😂 I’m a great swimmer so they’re happy about that


Definitely check the roots to see if maybe they became compacted 🥲

Mip is a shitty character on Smiling Friend who stalks a princess and builds a bomb to kill her after she moved away three times. So that’s my first thought, with the second being “nips” 😭


Is the plant in a plastic pot with drainage, inside a ceramic pot without drainage? If so, how do you water the plant? It could be that it started at the base causing root rot that slowly crawled upwards until you noticed.

Oh god, an actual procedure?? That’s wild. He assumes that the veins might get twisted or stuck, but would fur sure be uncomfortable and then begged me to never try to do it 😂😭 if you find any hidden knowledge, my mind is open lol