Yup… walk on ‘I’m 6 months pregnant and exhausted, could I have your seat?’ And you’ll need to teach your child to give theirs up unasked for and also to give it up when asked for. 

Directed by Peter Lynch, "Project Grizzly" follows the pursuits of a Canadian metalworker, Troy Hurtubise, as he attempts to construct a suit of armor capable of withstanding a grizzly bear attack. For Hurtubise, building the perfect suit has become an obsession. He is ever searching for stronger materials and better designs, and subjecting himself to brutal tests. Hurtubise is driven by a one-time encounter with a grizzly bear, and seeks to recreate the experience up close and personal.

Carts of Darkness, homeless dudes collecting bottles and riding shopping carts down steep hills, like the director Murray Siple did snowboarding before he became a quadriplegic. 

“It explores, the sometimes desperate world they live in, their outsider “otherness” and acceptance of Murray as another “outsider’’, as well as the mad brief joy of riding the hills of North Van”

I have brought a kiddie pool to heat dome camp, it was great!! We even got the floaties in it. 

This is always construction in my experience at least since the 90s. If you can go back to school and get certified and especially get managing and administrative credentials you’ll go farther and land a job with an employer that keeps you busy long term.

 Look for big contractors over small. Or, start your own business 

I thought only stupid people bought new, and then I did exactly that last year. It was a good decision based on the used prices for near new. 

Also my buddy just got a new tab 4 wasn’t picky about features and had it in less than a month. 

I came this far down to find a scandal i hadn’t heard of! 

I read this in my grandma’s voice 

Right? There are totally grungier things to target in this city.  But, beach people at nice, safe, clean…

Human feces  in Places you might like to walk

Lots of good suggestions here. You can also try the ‘fake it til you make it’ approach. 

I trust my instincts. 

No matter how perfect a skills and experience match, if my tummy says no, I listen. 

You can use wet wipes to pre clean dirty and greasy dishes, in certain situations it makes sense and you won’t get stuck with a bucket of meat juice soap water. 

Uhh Timmy’s is way more Dunkin’s than Starbucks 

Here in bear country some guy passed out at the fire, wifey had gone to bed in the trailer. She woke to find him missing and dragged off eaten by a bear. 



Yeehaw! Or amen, either way. I love a car I can ride hard and put away wet. 

Along with backing up a trailer, and putting up the Christmas tree. 

Might work better in a small company, getting through the gatekeepers and following up in person 

Well I didn’t want it either lol. But did what I needed for less than the Subaru, Kia, Toyota etc equivalent, and for me it’s a to b. What I wanted a was a bronco but I couldn’t justify the price, all I figured I needed was the mitsushitty. 

Driving the RVR (outlander sport) so far so good. Practicality, price. No vanity. Do I love it? Growing on me.