Jackie Ho :jackieho:

This is snark disguised as concern about something that didn’t even happen on the pod. It’s not balanced or fun when you point out it was actually her deadpan sense of humor and get downvotes so no one can engage with you. This is a fan space about the girls doing their pod and there are several other communities that are dedicated to all things Holly, Bridget and Kendra

Jackie Ho :jackieho:

It is a fan page. There are several other that are more “balanced”

Jackie Ho :jackieho:

Ah yes that’s what I thought. Another downvote instead or a response. Here’s the thing. I don’t care if you have the opposite opinion. Just have it in a space that wants it. Must be exhausting to be you.

Jackie Ho :jackieho:

Would love to know what yall get out of this? With several other communities with 17k+ members and you still choose to come where you’re not wanted.

Jackie Ho :jackieho:

There are so many other communities to engage in. This is a fan space. I am in snark subs and I keep my engagement with those like minded individuals instead of trying to go to subs that have the opposite opinion and try to argue, attack or downvote them. What is the point?

Jackie Ho :jackieho:

Truly : / I left all other GND subs and thought this was the safe one. I am on snark subs for other things and I fully respect that’s the place to engage with other like minded individuals. I don’t go to other communities that have the opposite opinion and try to argue, attack or downvote them. What do yall get out of that.

It’s Colorado - not even the watts murder case will bring that price down

Jackie Ho :jackieho:

I just went and looked and I guess it was just a story on instagram that’s no longer available. She always talks about her IPl facials and it was 100% a very deadpan humor like “oops accidentally exposed my face to the sun, time for an IPL” . Holly does care a lot about her appearance but I literally laughed and moved on.

Jackie Ho :jackieho:

Yes it was. If you watch it you will see. I really thought this was the one safe sub but seems to be taken over by the snarks as well. You can’t have anything good anymore !!!

Jackie Ho :jackieho:

It was absolutely a joke and I thought it was hilarious

Whatever you need to do to get unfucked.

They did have a podcast where they were going through episodes but they didn’t even make it past season one before other things became a priority and it dropped off the face of the earth.

Jackie Ho :jackieho:

I’m watching “Kendra” again and starting with season one. Makes me real sad to see how Hank isn’t loving Kendra for Kendra. He’s always shaming her it feels! She deserved more of a transition into herself before being tied down with Hank who just cheats on her anyway!

Why didn’t she just caption it “compliment me and tell me I don’t look like a mom of three please please please “

My therapist loves to tell me “it’s growing pains, not growing fun”. What you’re finding out is that you have work to do and you can’t do that when you’re numbing your feelings with weed. We must feel our feelings to deal with them and move forward. I wrote a list of reasons why I quit and I look back to it and say ok, these are the things I value. What actions or steps can I take to back those things up? That’s how things get better.

I identify with how Holly says “Vagina”

Im gonna say it - I like junes journey! I’m over level 20 now…..anyone want to join our club? 😏

I think I broke my brain when I was younger. I had such bad anxiety and panic attacks at night - I couldn’t sleep without a movie playing as a distraction .