Hi hi internet friends!! I’m guessing that for most of the folks in this community, we’ve “quit” weed more than once in our lifetimes. I’m 43, and on Day 10. The first time I quit for any length of time I was 17 or 18 and went one whole year before starting up again. The longest I’ve ever gone in my adult life without a spec of THC is ~2.5 years.

I thought it could be helpful for us to share what our triggers for relapse have been in the past, to help remind ourselves of those triggers and to become aware of other potential triggers that we might not yet be self-aware of!

We don’t just gravitate towards weed as a random choice… there are always reasons we are driven to take that first hit after X days/weeks/months/years off the sauce.

What have your triggers been in the past? And if you’ve found ways to avoid or manage those that DON’T involve weed, what are they? Are these triggers in any ways similar to your first ever experience(s) of getting high?

It’s GOING TO BE DIFFERENT FOR EVERYONE of course, I just feel like this is essential for each of us unique human beans to be aware of wherever we r at in our journey, and for anyone who’s thinking of trying to stop but having a hard time taking their first step. (🫂We’ve all been there.)

Much love to all! 🤓💗🙏