A support community to help stop smoking cannabis, marijuana, pot, weed, edibles, or getting high.

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Things I did today instead of getting high

Went to work. Went to a craft fair. Bought a cool magnet. Hugged a friend. Hugged my cat. Watered plants. Put on clean clothes. Talked to my kids. Watched a movie. Went for a walk. Made a healthy meal. Ate homemade cookies. Took vitamins. Made dinner. Answered texts. Made eye contact with people. Told my inner critic to stfu. Screamed to good music in my car. Appreciated my no longer puffy face. Picked up a project I worked on that I'm proud of. Let myself have feelings without going into a spiral. Said no to alcohol. Felt grateful.

Telling people you quit

I’m having an inner conflict. I want to stand on a mountain and tell everyone I quit, but I suddenly realized I was VERY good at hiding my addiction, so only a few close people knew how bad it was.

I recently told a coworker, and she had no idea I smoked. Same with landlord, he didn’t really know until I opened up to him. He’s cool though, so it’s a non issue.

I don’t have anything substantive to lose by telling anyone, but I’m not sure it’s the best thing to reveal.

I always assumed everyone knew I was a stoner… but I haven’t worn it on my face, so to speak, in probably 20 years (I’m 47).

Did everyone just think I was eccentric or weird or a little crazy because of my behavior? Will they notice I’m sort of different now that I’m sober?

I feel very strong for quitting , but am I revealing deep character flaws by putting my cards on the table?

Any insight would be nice.

  • Day 13 (also ‘celebrating’ 3 years alcohol-free today 🥳 )
Coming in with an update for you all. 3 months.

2 hours away from day 94! Cannot wait to hit triple digits and get to 100 days. Instead of focusing on the year milestone, I like to break it up into 10 day segments. Every 10 days is my goal. Makes this process much less overwhelming.

Still dealing with some anxiety but I’m improving day by day, week by week. Can’t believe it’s been 3 months since my last smoke. It has truly felt like 3 life times since then. The days moved very slow in the first 8 weeks.

Cheers to more life and sober living!

I’ve abused weed so badly I feel like I have no way out

Everytime I (22F) talk to a stoner, I am shocked at what they believe to be a large quantity of weed, and they are equally as shocked by my extreme habits when it comes to weed. Most of the past four years has consisted of very heavy marijuana usage. Multiple joints or blunts a day or just a constant chain smoking of my bong. Until very recently, I spent 7 months taking dabs from my rig every day all day. My mucus in the morning would be so bad I could hardly breathe or hear, like I would vomit just to get the phlegm out. I already have pretty bad mental health problems, my diagnosis’s are very confusing and contradictory but it’s along the lines of GAD, panic disorder, ocd and bipolar disorder. It’s been like 13 hours since I smoked and I smoke so much that I feel so unwell and I feel like I’ve done so much damage that there’s no way I can return to a normal mental state without weed. I feel very trapped and I feel like I’m the only one who has abused themselves with weed this badly.

Weeds speeds up time

So the longest I've gone without weed was 20 days last year in October. Instead of doing weed, I did meditation every day.

It really improved my focus and motivation.

Then I relapsed and kept smoking for the next 7 months. It feels like those 7 months just passed me by and here I am realizing that I simply wasted those months up in smoke and let's not forget the money I spent on it. It's a habit that is simply just taking away from me and leaving me empty.

I'm 3½ hours into being weed free and I am committed to stop smoking. Let's do this.

I think it’s time to stop

25F, been smoking for the last decade heavily every day. I’ve come to the conclusion that I want to permanently stop smoking. I’m left having anxiety attacks and not being able to sleep or eat for days. It’s debilitating how many things I’ve missed out on over the anxiety I feel when I can’t smoke. I’ve tried but Cold turkey leads me to be too anxious during the day and going absolutely crazy. I was hoping you guys can give me tips on how to curve the cravings and slow down to the point of stopping all together. Some support and advice would be very appreciated. This is me holding myself accountable in making this change in my life for me and the ones around me.

Anybody have to stop smoking to quit Drinking?

Hi guys. 24 f here. I'm 6 days sober from weed,tobacco and alcohol. I love smoking weed, I've been smoking since I was 14 years old. I noticed that I never drink unless I have something to smoke with my drink. I was addicted to being cross-faded. Any time I would try to stop drinking I always fell off the bandwagon and ended up drinking anyways because I felt like something was missing from my high. The first 4 days were horrible, cold sweats and insomnia. But I've worked out more than I ever have to keep my mind off it, cleaned my house, cooked elaborate meals. I never want to go back. I hate how weed friendly our society is now, it's like I'm fighting a constant battle of "to smoke or not to smoke". Marijuana is a drug, it is addictive, and it can lead to other forms of substance abuse. I haven't felt this good and this free in a very long time. Day 6 and the cravings are mostly gone, I couldn't fathom even walking to the Dispensary. I'm grateful for the self discipline I'm building in sobriety.

Hello! I'm new, it's my day one and I need some help!

Hello! I (34) just hit 24h of no smoking after 4 years of heavy daily use. I started smoking to help with my anxiety but over time it started to contribute to my anxiety. To combat that I tried smoking more, I know it seems stupid but I guess at the time I thought I just had to 'up' the amount I was smoking.

At the beginning of this year I started experiencing issues with eating. I am NEVER hungry, even when I'm starving. That's what pushed me to go cold turkey but looking around I can see that the eating thing seems to be pretty common.

What can I do? Is there anything that helped you get past the suppressed appetite thing? Now that I've quit will this just be forever or does it get better ? :')

Weed will fuck up ur Life but you can change that

Having smoked regularly since I was 18, I have been smoking everyday for 5 years. I am now 26 years old. I quit cold turkey in February, and convinced myself I could smoke a joint every couple of nights after more than 2 months of abstinence. BIG MISTAKE. I got into my old habits, and even though I didn’t smoke as much, now was very limited quantities and in the night only, the next days were horrible. Stress went through the roof and I was hella tired, my mind was so foggy. I think I had a hard time accepting I am an addict. No matter how much I want to control my consumption and my feelings, I can’t. There is like a mental and physical memory, I found myself looked onto my couch scrolling and eating so much. Hopefully this was only 1 week, 10 days tops. So I didn’t fuck up my life the way I did before, but the sadness has gone up so much. Seems like I have a lot of work to do still.

72 hours into sobriety, idk what i am doing all i know is i dont want to fucking go back.

im 27 years old. ive smoked bongs every day since i was 15. since i was 15(now 27) ive spent a total time of about 3 and a half months sober in the last 12 years, accumulative so thats like adding up all the days i couldnt smoke like being on holiday out of the country, sick in hospital ect ect theyre the only times i havent been able to smoke in the last 12 years. I had a panic attack 4 days ago and realised that my body is sick of me fucking ruining it daily and sick of me not listening. I thought i was dying, i couldnt breathe, i crawled to my neighbours vomiting and screamed for help luckily they called the ambulance (obv they and myself had no idea what was going on i legit thought i was just dying randomly?) the next day i went to the doctors to address anxiety/stress. i left work early to go do that, except i caught myself thinking "when i get home ill have a bong then go to the doctors" and that was what fucked me off. My body has done all of that to yell at me, and i still wanted to smoke bud? are you fucking kidding like how many attacks or hospitalizations or like fucking near death experiences will it take for me to understand im done with it? So, instead of hitting it, i got in my car and i just drove and walked around.

Idk what this post is for maybe its just for me to get this out? the first 48 hours i felt amazing and motivated and really excited to live this new sober life, i woke up this morning however feeling like fucking shit. everything seems dark and dull and an effort, my body is sore, im having hot and cold flushes and goosebumps out of nowhere, randomly crying all that fun shit.

But im going to get through it. im making changes with my diet/exercise and learning to acknowledge that these withdrawal symptoms ill be going through is my body kicking out the addiction?

i guess maybe im just posting to maybe like, help cement my change? like, hold my self accountable in some way?

Im going to get through it, and you will too. Im excited to see the man ill become with out.

someone posted this quote im going to paraphrase in this group a few months ago when i first joined getting ready to quit and it really really hits home so shoutout to the user who posted this, essentially it said "yesterday i felt so low and weak and wanting to give into my addiction, but i woke up and today i feel even stronger because i didnt give in" thats essentially what they said and i just want to shout that out, i feel weak as fuck now. but i know in a day, in a week, in a month, in a year, ill feel so fucking strong because i know i didnt give in...

idk thanks for reading/letting me just fucking get this out in like an anonymous way but to people who also go through the same thing? Lot of love to everyone in this group going through the shit. At least we aint alone. Love ya's.

Day two. My sober buddy already failed.

Things are very difficult, I cried last night for literally no reason and couldn’t fall asleep. I’ve been smoking for four years every day, and now I have tasked myself with emotional regulation without drugs. My best friend and sister vowed to quit when I did, but she was not able to stay strong. It is much harder for me now, but today, I had the privilege of being present as one of my relatives passed to the next life. Normally, I would’ve been high. Just that experience and being able to cry, while uncomfortable, showed me how valuable being present and aware is. Whatever your story, you can do it. 48 hours has proved what a fantastic choice this was.

Comin up on one year!

About two weeks until one year off marijuana! Coming from almost 5 years of daily smoking to no weed at all. I’m very excited, my mood has been better than ever. I’ve been more physically active and a lot of social anxiety has dissipated. I’m to the point where I can be around 10 people all smoking weed and I don’t feel that I need to hit it. A huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. A couple of my friends have asked me how I got sober and I thought I’d share my advice that I gave to them with you all: simply boss up. you’re the creator of your fate and you can do it❤️.

I promise it doesn't get better

I see a lot of posts from young folks recognizing that their weed use is a negative force in their life. First off I'm really proud of you all! I think our society promotes intoxication and experimenting in young people, but never talks about how that experiment can turn into a lifelong addiction. I had plenty of friends in college that were big potheads just like me. It was part of their identity. But when they graduated and got jobs and families, they stopped. They own beautiful homes, are financially secure, and have money to spend on traveling and hobbies they love. Their kids are playing sports instead of therapy appointments. I'm happy for them, but also really sad that I will never own my own home or that my husband can't race cars like he used to love. I always knew that weed was bad for me. Even in the very early days. But I continued being a pothead and numbed the shame with smoke. I'm in my early 40's and feel like I've hit rock bottom in my addiction. I'm really not trying to feel sorry for myself. I'm processing and grieving things lost. But I'm also looking ahead and trying to stay strong. I just need to acknowledge the bad feelings right now so I can move through them. So my message to all the younger folks out there is that it does not get better. It doesn't get easier to moderate. It absolutely can interfere with growth and meeting goals. And relationships. I know that none of our friends from college respect us. We're the ones that didn't make it. It's embarrassing. You don't want to come to your senses a decade or two later and look at all the time wasted. The weed is not worth it.

Alright, almost through day 7

Sorry guys, treating this sub a little bit as a personal journal until I’m through this shit. Quit edibles 7 days ago. Depression and anxiety have been at an all time high today, which admittedly probably isn’t 100% the whole withdrawal thing. I’m struggling with some hormonal imbalance stuff so it sucks that that’s going on at the same time I’m quitting. Anyway. I’ve cried like, most of the day today lol. It’s pretty exhausting. Could also be because I haven’t been sleeping well and I’m tired and frustrated. I’m hoping this is the worst of it. I thankfully have an incredibly supportive partner who has helped me love myself and take it easy today. Sat down and played a video game I haven’t played in a long time today, got some house stuff done. I’m not going to die. Alright thanks for reading :)

Today is 1 Year Anniversary

Today is the 1 year anniversary of me quitting weed! Wishing everyone the best of luck in their own personal journeys, hope you all can quit and find some healthy alternatives.

How has weed affected your personality?

I posted this question in r/weed and the majority seem to have positive outcomes, but I recognise this is inherently biased as people who like weed will believe it's beneficial for them (regardless of whether that is true or not).

I would like to ask the same question to the opposite crowd, a subreddit full of ex-cannabis users, who perhaps have more insight into the negatives of cannabis.

How would you say weed has affected your personality (even when sober after quiting)?

Anyone else?

I’ve been so emotionally reliant on weed for so long that I have no idea how to even sit with myself or regulate my own emotions. This constant feeling of impending doom is not only draining but I find myself crying so much. I find myself angry. Very very angry, too. Just feeling things I haven’t felt in so long & it’s not enjoyable in the least. Am I the only one feeling this way?

Everything as I know it has been built upon poor habits, using, numbing feelings. I don’t even know how to have a normal schedule without it being planned around a smoking habit. I’ve literally missed out on so much just because I’d have rather been home getting high alone than anywhere else. And this is not getting any easier for me. I’m not finding this “energized” or “happy” motivation I need to keep going. All I’m doing is painfully moving through it & I’m feeling just so damn uncomfortable. I would give anything to not feel these uncomfortable emotions right now. I’m struggling badly right now & all my brain keeps telling me to do is go smoke & then everything will feel ok. I just keep coming on here and OVER sharing bc it’s all I have honestly. As if I’m going to read this magical post that will make everything better.

Is this what smoking everyday, heavily for 10 years does to you?! Fuck this is so awful… 😣

Sober for a month and 8 days. It feels great, keep going!

Eating is no longer a chore, I can enjoy nature just as much as I did when I got high. I trust my thoughts now as opposed to thinking I’ll have better ideas/perspectives when I’m high. I can be bored in peace with out feeling fidgety/anxious . I haven’t felt depressed! That’s the main win here. Feel free to share how your life got better :)

I have a weed problem. I admit it. Now what.

I started daily smoking about two years ago while at college. I was having a shit time trying to get over a traumatic incident and not enjoying college life at all.

Two years of daily smoking later my life has not improved. I’m still haunted by trauma and despite leaving college, I’ve returned to my family who are more fucked up than ever.

Weed has been both a negative and positive influence in my life. I’m autistic, and it really helps me regulate and structure my day. I feel happy and focussed when on cannabis. It’s been an escape from my shitty college life and now my cheating narcissist of a father who I live with. I want to keep smoking weed, I do not want to quit. I have a problem.

Trouble is, weed has made me broke and I’m gonna run out of money in a few weeks if I keep smoking. My lungs are in such pain this week which hasn’t happened ever from smoking pot.

I’m between jobs. I had a job lined up but when I learned they drug tested I dipped out. I now have another job lined up but that’s being slow since I need to be security vetted.

A crucial thing that isn’t lost on me is that my creative output has practically stopped since I started smoking. I fully believe that I have the potential to create a masterpiece, but I’ve gotten lazy. I doubt myself so much: there’s other factors too; but it isn’t lost on me that when the weed started, the writing stopped.

Im at an interesting crossroads. I do not know who I am. I’ve lost my aspirations and work ethic. I hate life. I cannot breathe well. I still have nightmares from the trauma. I need to give up the flower. But I do not want to.

I don’t know what I’m looking for in this post. Maybe just to vent away the lung pain? Idk. I’m 22 and I feel like an old man dying.

Ramblings of an ex high functioning stoner 28M

I’ve been weed free for 4 months. Nothing in my life has changed except I don’t get Hugh and my resting heart rate has reduced by 10 bpm (which is amazing). Prior to this 4 months, I have smoked nearly everyday for the last 10 years, and 2 years weekly prior to that. I earn £80k and work a rather chilling IT job which I am good at and can do whilst high, my salary should only get higher as I gain more experience(years working). I smoked daily whilst getting a maths degree BSc.

I quit 4 months back for religious reasons (Islam, Ramadan, hajj) and that my wife wanted me to quit for health reasons. The men in my family usually die from heart attacks, so obviously we want to try to minimise this.

In the 4 months I feel like my life has only gotten worse. I am good at my job and I barely need to spend much time working so there’s nothing to really improve on. I go to the gym the same amount as I used to, I go to boxing class just as I used to. There’s nothing more to do with my life really.

I miss being high, I’m not physically addicted or even psychologically addicted because I’ve shown I can do 4 months without it , I just miss it, I wasn’t a stoner loser, and I always hit my goals, so there’s nothing to improve on there.

Just religious and health reasons for quitting. Health wise, it’s completely the right choice, I was dabbing multiple times from morning till night. Who knows what that was doing to my body. I only really smoked the most premium stuff I could get my hands on, but racing heart beats cannot be good for health. Money wise I would spend around £300, I thought I would feel that extra money in my pockets a bit more, but it really hasn’t changed anything, if anything I spend more on shit I don’t need just to try and pass the time.

Religion wise, I felt more connected to god when I was high, but it’s clearly wrong in my religion and I’d like to go to heaven, but I was high functioning and there’s some debate on the legality in religion, all substances affect people differently and I was able to handle my weed like I would drink a coffee.

Apart from a few paranoid moments over the years, there was nothing really that wrong with my daily weed smoke. Whilst I smoked daily, I didn’t make it my life and I just enjoyed the culture.

Idk what my point is, I’m just rambling. It’s been 4 months, my life is just as it was, I just missing getting high. I wish I saw some improvement in my life after quitting.

Isolated Recovery Tips

Day 3 lets go! So for the next month I’m unemployed and living alone in my apartment while I force this shit out of my system. It’s been a lot of laying on the couch twitching, throwing up into trash cans and refueling with saltines and water while i play gta. I’m a little worried that my complete lack of support system (aside from you guys on this sub <3) will allow me to relapse. I still have my stash because I’m afraid withdrawl will get so bad I’ll need a hit to keep me going, and also throwing them out just seems like a waste. Anyone have any thoughts/tips for recovery all by yourself like this? I havent shared it with anyone because I dont want to reveal how bad its gotten, I feel like people will look down on me.

social skills and quitting

As the title states, the topic of interest is social skill(s) recovery since quitting. I have been using cannabis since 2015. Majority of the time it would be "binge eating" edibles for a span of 2-3 months three times a week then quitting for a period of 5-7 months. Despite this, my social skills have atrophied. I frequent certain locations and barely speak to the people there. I will say that an additional addiction, internet addiction, has been the core issue. For those that have quit for good, how long did it take for your old self to come back? I honestly dont have any recollection or conception of it, as I started when I was 19. Internet addiction has been a bane of my existence since 15. I want to change for good, considering that I am 28, and it gets more and more difficult to change ones personality. I just want to be sober and find my true self. Thank you and I hope this made some sense.

Very grateful I found this place

Today is day 8 of my attempt to stop using forever.

This community gives me hope that I can overcome my addiction challenges. I always thought I was facing this situation alone for years and that no one knew my struggle.

I have used daily for 15 years straight since high school. I first used it as a social vice to make friends as I was shy and awkward and continued to do so after experiencing serious trauma with multiple close friends tragically passing.

I have found peace in keeping myself busy with hobbies and trying to cope with my emotional outbursts sans weed.

I feel much better today, but I still have a very long way to go to be where I want to be. Just wanted to say that I am truly grateful and appreciative of you all here, and that you too have the strength to conquer whatever life throws at you.

Seeing addiction in my family made me change my mind about weed in my life.

I come from a legal state where weed is very normalized. I started smoking when I was 21. Once I asked around, everyone smoked weed in college (lots of people came here for college for that). I got into it, and I rationalized my use by congratulating myself for not drinking alcohol, "but everyone needs a vice, right?"

I'm about to turn 30 and I'm thinking a lot of the kind of man I want to be. I am a daily user and have been for years. I put an irresponsible amount of my disposable income on weed. I have depression and use it to self medicate. There are many reasons why weed is a net negative for me. The most compelling for me is that I would rather sit watching something and getting high than doing anything else. I want to start feeling like I'm living, and having experiences. I've become that flat lady who melted into her couch in those anti-weed commercials from when I was younger.

Unfortunately, my sister (27) is struggling with alcoholism. My mom got into smoking cigarettes again, and now she can't function without weed or cigs. She struggles very much financially and can't afford these addictions. My dad is an alcoholic with heart failure and some other issues. My grandfather died of a heart attack at 61, he was a chain smoking alcoholic. I didn't see it when I was younger, but I come from a family where addiction is very present. I think I have the predisposition to form addictions.

I really really like getting high. But it has become an enormous problem for me and takes up so much time and energy. My mind is not 100% because it is always foggy, and I need to wake up and start living my life.

This is day 1. I'm okay, and I think this is best. I'm going to start going for morning walks, starting tomorrow.

I am not saying that weed is bad for everyone, or on the level of substances that are objectively worse. I'm not opposed to people using it if they want. But I need the full use of my mind moving forward. I can't imagine what inhaling smoke everyday for 9 years has done to my body. It sucks, but I have to put myself first.

I’m going to loose it

I’m really struggling with the fact that everyone apparently thinks this shit is easy?!?!?

The week I have had and still maintained sobriety: Roommate gives me five day notice and moves out. I’m left to work extra shifts to cover her portion of rent. Mom goes into the hospital, she’s still there. Will make a full recovery thank god. Working around the clock to find new roommate with no help from my partner. Love it. Having this one annoying friend (who I made in the thick of my usage right before I decided to change my life) ignore my boundaries and be needy as fuck in like low key a scary way. Also inviting me to parties with weed and alcohol. Then getting into a fight with my partner last night.

Can someone give me a goddam fucking break right now?!? Like how the fuck does no one know how hard this is. I made it to one month of sobriety and people just think I should be able to show up for them the way I used to?!? I’m so over people and their ignorance around sobriety.

End rant.