You just need the owner’s PAN and receipts to claim HRA. His wanting cash and not paying tax on it is not your concern.

Like someone else said, go for higher studies. Move to the EU, for example. As a SWE, the EU is much easier to migrate compared to US if you don’t want to study more. It sucks but you will have a much more fulfilling life there. Take a trip to, for example, Berlin or Copenhagen and you’d know what you want in life.

Why not move out of the country and have a fulfilling life where being a gay and having a family is not a crime ?

The temperature is actually alright, not too bad. It’s the darkness and the gray skies that get to you.

Don’t sell that land. Like someone else said it should be developed and rented out. At the very least, keep for 3-4 years more.

Aah. Sorry now I get it. I meant to write yes as that last word in my answer !

Heated toilet seat in Karnataka? Why? It doesn’t even get that cold there.

A Kasse is insurance. Residency application is affected by social benefits that the tax payer pays for, so I’d assume the answer is yes.

Language seems like the only thing to me if they’re all speaking or prefer speaking danish. Hate to break it to you, but your team mates sounds like jerks.

I think people underestimate the network effects of a good university. So please send your child abroad to a top tier school and you can afford it.

Good job. I see that the grass/soil level is a few inches above the walkway. Is this normal or should they be level ? I’m asking because my house is the same and I’m thinking if I need to re-sod?

Silly question, but why is this needed ? For storage ?

It is traditionally made with goat meat so lamb is closer than beef anyway.

Most of that route is doable on a Fiat Panda, not sure about the Electric version, though. Plan your charging stops because Italy is not as well equipped with EV infra as, say, Germany or Austria.

Why? Culture shock isn’t a good enough reason to reject their calling, if at all.


The other day I was sitting in my car, a white Model Y, waiting for my daughter and wife. I see them coming, open the doors of the white Model Y next to me and sit inside. It was then that they saw the guy sitting in the drivers seat, apologised and ran out 🤣 The guy was really confused 😀

Depends on the hotels really but in general if the hotel has a pool, wearing bikinis is fine. Semi modest ones if you want to be respectful or avoid the odd stare.

I used salt/vinegar and now have dead weeds in the driveway. Do you then also burn them ? Or just let it be ?

I like to go to Den Gamle Købmand near Nyhavn. Buy some beers and sit by the water to drink.

Aah thanks. I may need glasses soon :)