KSP specialist

They no longer have glass windows, according to the closest video audio.

Literally just happened to me on the same desert music box

Man I love this game but the amount of bs that happens occasionally…

Take good care to keep it hydrated or things might get hard

Someone add the stickbug soundtrack and loop the movement

There’s two new FFVII remake parts so you can eventually buy those on discount and never play them too

2600X | Nitro 7800XT | B450 Tomahawk

Personally I’m using a 5$ BT 5.3 USB adapter and the latency feels imperceptible as to a USB Wifi adapter.

But then again I can’t tell any delay difference from a wired mouse and a BT controller, so I might just be slow

KSP specialist

If OP took the internal fire suppression arm as anything more than an inquiring joke (whether they have any other internal protection systems if plasma gets through the steel, to which they later noted that it’d have an ablative layer), the lack of perception on the nuance of the question is on them.

Because not even a high schooler would make this suggestion as dead ass serious.

And if you can’t kick their ass, hire a pair of goons for like 25$ each

That and (open source desktop app) downloads any media link and crops it on the fly, if native uploading is better

If we allowed for hallucinations, well, there hardly is a human correctly answering even 30% of any questions, without a multitude choice answer, to compare with.

Well what the fuck is the point of wasting time grinding levels when it makes no difference as to just winning the game? lol

The fact that sexting a minor would be such an offense to even the shittiest twitch goons and when there’s literally no reason for twitch to be PAYING them to leave over an alleged wrongdoing by the streamer?

That’s all the evidence proving for the allegations being bogus you need.

KSP specialist

Elon has mentioned before he regularly does fasting, don't know if he's stopped or what

KSP specialist

Surprised the CCP managed to let slip this video through the great firewall. Someone other than the villagers is going to find having a sudden onset of facial disfiguring in the coming week.

Also interesting how there’s no such mention of the event on r/Space, not even the prelaunch post comments?

So long as it can even orient itself, atleast, or someone’s going to be very unhappy about the new 4.5m crater in their house.

Hah! If politics won’t give us nuclear out of the good of humanity, surely a shit ton of money and lobbying from corporations will.

Not sure if it’s the one from same video I saw, but come on, it’s entire job is just to cobble some concrete bricks with paste. A factory machine can easily figure that out.

And nevermind today, they are rapidly getting better. We had 3D printers being used to make fun plastic decorations a few years back, and now in this year they’re being professionally used to build rocket engines and custom machine parts.

There currently exists a giant 3D printer for laying and cementing blocks onto place

Nobody is safe. Not even the engineers.

2600X | Nitro 7800XT | B450 Tomahawk

I yearly move my desktop around with car travel and so far it’s been fine

Air travel I’d remove it