Uninfected swarms weren’t using biomass (a backup function) to replicate like the rogue one did - so the rogue one would always overpower eventually. Only way they could fight it would be to send another swarm, destroying the world, to fight the other one destroying the world - and the world is still destroyed at the end. The point of change was one swarm consuming biomass to replicate. By the time anyone had a solution it was already too late for an army of self propagating machines.

Look if you’re doing anything commercial you should be on r/KitchenConfidential or something to ask people in the industry what’s possible. Just because you want do doesn’t mean you can - ask some people who’ve got decades of experience to advise you and set your budget accordingly. You’re on Reddit - why ask home air fryer people when there’s people who’ve done exactly what you’re doing on a different sub - seek the knowledge!

Consensually, I might add.

Get that the fuck back out longer if you can man. That hair was great - your upper curls curled at the same level as your eyes and then waved down to accentuate your chin.
Each to their own and all that but Christ imagine having hair that friendly to your features…

My mind jumped straight to Victoria Wood. She’d be fantastic on it

Totally fair enough! I’d say the region having a different name there was plot relevant though. Guess we’ll see soon enough

No need to considering regional variants didn’t happen till the gen after - so Kalosian works for any variants regardless. Not to say they’ll do it like that but seems to overcomplicate otherwise

Well, good to read someone else experiencing the same thing. Well, not good - but there’s some solace in knowing the issue need not be your fault - especially when you’ve been trying so hard. I hope it works out man:

It’s actually one of the best full seasons of Star Trek ever actually - not only because it helps explain some of the unexplained shit in more recent trek and aligning it with classic canon. Solid ending - definite room for more if they want. Honestly genuinely impressed with the result.

Re; the keys to the car thing, I did think about it for a while and whilst it’s a bit far fetched - the cadets had the enterprise in WOK, and the Valiant etc so there’s a precedent. Usually a commanding officer crew but I suppose the ECH fills that role - and possibly the whole ‘get them out of harms way with this shit on the tv in a ship about to be decommissioned’ seems like the easiest route. Add to that the feats they’ve done, and a dash of main character plot dressing and I reckon I’m okay with it - and let’s be honest they’d be addressing it in season 3 if it ever happens so I’ll fill in the logic blanks with ‘eh… alright I’ll buy it for now but keep the receipt’

I thought they were the bad guys at the end of Picard s1 - thought it was an intentional callback to make that make more sense

I love it! I like that it’s ‘plausible’ you could catch it in game. A particular pokemon changed by its environment and rare due to that - as opposed to the masters of space and time or some shit. My high level player could reasonably have this as a partner so I don’t mind using it on teams.

Not to my knowledge and I’m from Glasgow - I remember there was always a wee selection of random shit for the kids - pasta and stuff, so I can imagine it’s over in that section.

I much preferred Jaeherys. ‘Oh his name’s Ja…on! Jon! That’s it!’

Maybe just zooming out to the general issue of ‘don’t fuck in common spaces’ - so you don’t need fuck supplies there either.
How would his girlfriend feel about her having to walk on your cum leftovers?
Fair’s fair. Keep it to their room.
If they want to fuck wherever they like then they get their own place - it’s a share house, not a 2v1 house.

Angst and. It’s been years and I still long for their wagyu beef and black pepper with garlic mash hot dogs. There’s not been anywhere that does bougie hot dogs since!

So many good comments here and my first thought was Texas

Yknow when you’re gay and read these comments? The straights are alright

The fact his voter base is more than like, 10% is soul crushing for the planet. Have an opinion about Biden but that vote is maintaining the assumption of democracy and the other is totalitarian project 2025 bullshit with Putin parking planes. It’s a shit election cycle but it’s just Biden because it might be the last time a vote matters. Next election might actually have someone not a million years old on either side to vote for

I agree - Metroid doesn’t sell as well as it should. But it’s coming out regardless and a Mario isn’t known yet. Christ imagine if there’s a star fox or FZero. Fuck Mario I’d love that triple launch.
It’s not happening I know but just fun

I genuinely dislike the movie from start to finish. But I know objectively it’s the prettiest that Star Wars has ever looked and I’ll look at screencaps of it with a smile everytime.

Shit you don’t see those blue shirts anymore.