Sure, honey.

Do you know who thinks Johnny Depp is a wife beater?

His own legal team.

I am on the go, so I don't have the link ready, but look up the panel where Christine Vasquez, one of his lawyers, brags about the "psychological warfare" (barf) they waged against Heard at the trial. Oh, sorry, "may have" (she thinks that covers her ass).

Every day of the trial, they send somebody into the bathroom Heard would use to spray Depp's cologne there. Now, why would you go through that effort, and why would being reminded of Depp by something like scent (a known memory trigger) be something they thought would give them an edge in a trial? Oh, right! Because they know full well he beat the snot out of her and were disgusting and low enough to try and trigger the very PTSD they spent the entire trial denying she had. Curious.

None of his exes collaborated him being abusive? Might wanna tell Ellen Barkin that the testimony she recorded for the trial about him being controlling, jealous, abusing substances, and throwing a wine bottle got lost somewhere.

She had incidents of abuse? Where is the plural coming from? There is one incident that happened at an airport, and her ex is on record saying that they had a heated argument, at one point Heard grabbed her by the arm, and then some cops completely overreacted.

But this is about the level of "well informed" I have come to expect from someone who bought the "our Johnny is a poor innocent bean who was victim to an evil witch" bs.

I read the entirety of the UK ruling in the defamation case Depp filed against The Sun. You know, the one where The Sun won the right to call Depp a wife beater in their reporting because they could prove that he did abuse her in 12 of the 14 alleged counts? That one?

So, I am very well aware of all the times Depp was caught flat out and shamelessly lying during that trial. I have a basis of comparison to know what the jurisdiction shopping of Depp's team allowed them to bury at the US trial. For example, they managed to keep Stephen Deuters' text messages out of the US trial. Good on them, because those were basis of proving Heard's claim of Depp kicking her in the back during a plane flight. (Depp started out claiming he never touched her and remembered every second of the flight, only for Deuters' texts from that time to prove that he was so hopped up on substances he was blackout, that they were so worried by his state they had medical personnel waiting at their destination, and that Deuters had written Heard telling her how sorry Depp was for kicking her during the flight). But, why am I telling you, you know all about our boy Stephen Deuters. Right?

Johnny Depp is a junkie surrounded by yes men, enablers, and lickspittles who started abusing his wife when she proved to be the only one to give enough of a fuck about him to tell him "no" when he started abusing substances again. There's a reason why 150 organizations, activist groups, and experts working with abuse victims signed a letter supporting Heard and not Johnny DARVO.

Johnny Depp is a wife beater. The utter shit show that was the US trial and his bot driven smear campaign don't change that.

Just surrender to the cuddling, dude. Be gay culture's little spoon


The ending of Earth Girl Arjuna, essentially. And of The Andromeda Strain.

Those look like Croc-type shoes. Some people use them as house shoes.

And yet the Republicans are in the position they are in because for decades they voted downticket R and tried to keep dems away from the voting booths.

Weirdly, the people now poised for a power grab seem to think votes do matter.

No issues with that. If you had sex you knew the risk. Why should another human life now pay the price because you are selfish?

And if a child gets to pay the price of being raised by someone who never wanted them (with all the psychological and sometimes literal scars that creates) that's a-ok for you. After all children aren't people, they are punishments.

And hand in hand, on the edge of the sand, They danced by the light of the moon


To me, it just sounds like self-defense. Like, the democrats tried the "hands across the isle" thing for ever, and the republican response has been to try to game the system and change the rules to get their preferred outcome.

Now it's come to the point where they are maneuvering themselves into a position for the ultimate power grab.

Yet Biden is still supposed to play fair while the other party cheats and lies and the liberty of a countless number of his constituents are on the line.

This is not normal.

Homie. When she debuted, no one was supposed to know that "Robert Galbraith" was anything other than a cis male debut author.

"Rowling responded with uncharacteristic anger, writing in a statement: "A tiny number of people knew my pseudonym and it has not been pleasant to wonder for days how a woman whom I had never heard of prior to Sunday night could have found out something that many of my oldest friends did not know. To say that I am disappointed is an understatement. I had assumed that I could expect total confidentiality from Russells, a reputable professional firm and I feel very angry that my trust turned out to be misplaced."


She wanted people to think she was a man.

I am merely pointing out the hypocrisy in happily pretending to be a dude when you think it benefits you, but screeching bloody murder when someone with dysphoria transitions.

My dude. No.

Transpeople suffering from body dysphoria and transitioning to ease it is not the same as a cisgender woman using a male pseudonym to sell mediocre crime novels.

The "at the moment" is doing more heavy lifting than fucking Atlas.

Wehret den verfluchten Anfängen. Some of you clowns learn nothing from history.

This is not for her. This is for people watching the exchange. If even a couple of people (who might already be alienated because she's going after Tennant, ffs) go, "Oh, wow, I didn't know that" and stop taking her bullcrap seriously and maybe are more skeptical which corner transphobia comes from in the future, it'll be well worth it.

Yeah. Who's "he" here? Nothing screams "well informed" like not being able to follow the basic "who is talking about what" of a convo.

Right? When it suits her, pretending to have genitals of the opposite sex is a-ok.

Among that odious woman's bullshit, confusing people into mixing her up with the actress is up there. "Posie Parker" is a pseudonym.

Plenty of (cis) women have told her to keep her hatemongering to herself.

No. Because she hangs out with people who hang out with nazis.

You know, that advice to do some reading? Take it.


From a black German woman who is terrified where we are headed right now.

Now sit on a cactus.