this was so lazy. it’s not too late to delete it.


read their comment history. just a miserable troll.

if i recall correctly, hellen would feel the vibrations of someone talking using their throat and feel lips, face, etc to learn how letters and words sounded/felt. she was blind and deaf but learned how to talk, read and write.


donate plasma! you could also find some things around the house to sell or even pawn if you’re close to one!


unfortunately there’s not really anything you can do except what paypal says. the people who work there are bots and told what to say. someone is telling them to keep telling you to try so it really sucks but all you can do /:


i’m slightly older than 28 but i did your survey!


gofundme isn’t only for emergencies. if you look in the “wishes” category, it’s all personal things people want. you’re raising money to visit family and that’s a totally normal thing to make a gofundme for, in my opinion. good luck!

anything you don’t enjoy is going to be boring

i don’t give a damn if the grammar was off lmao you’re so desperate

i know what general decency is, that doesn’t mean i owe it to some fucking reddit stranger helo??? lol

anyway, i’m out

mostly americans say my name wrong and it’s been mispronounced my entire life. no, i’m not cocky, i simply like my name and want to be called by my name

ETA: i am also american

pretty sure it’s them trying to play on the “ish” thing as it’s popular in pop culture. like Black-ish the tv show. it’s lame and definitely sends the wrong message

i live alone comfortably and do not travel. this is such a weird take.

one of my celebrity crushes follows me on twitter so we’re basically dating

i will not be changing it because there’s no reason for me to. i don’t care if you don’t like it lol

that’s my normal vocabulary lol and no, i just don’t care what gender someone identifies as so i like everyone. why would i need to be attracted to one gender in order to agree with you? i’m attracted to every gender lol so i should be the poster child for what you’re claiming but that’s simply wrong. being attracted to someone of whatever gender doesn’t mean everyone in the gender category arouses you. like that’s such a wild claim. i can be attracted to women and not find certain women attractive so that woman i don’t find attractive isn’t going to arouse me. sounds like you’re just horny.

what the fuck are you even saying??? i’m pansexual and i don’t get aroused by someone im not attracted to just because they’re a gender that im attracted to what????

yes, but again, that’s assuming they’re attracted to literally everyone. i’m not sure what’s hard to grasp here. saying “you know they’ll be turned on by” is wild because not everyone is turned on by everyone else? it’s almost like people have sexual preferences and dislike certain things.