Your preaching to the choir. You’re not changing any minds by saying that here.

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You’re telling the wrong crowd. I’m sure most people in this thread dislike Trump as much as you.

Okay fine. If you’re going to allow a debate between 2 people who talk out of their ass (one of which significantly more than the other). Then change your damn slogan from “Facts first” to “Entertainment First”. It’s like watching fricking WWE not a debate that’s supposed to be informative.

People voted, it surprised everyone how well the Democrats did. Usually they don’t come out during off year elections. I would argue voting is more powerful than marching, and people have lives and priorities. They can’t march in the street 7 days a week.

Cobra is garbage. I was on it once. It’s the same insurance, and expensive rate. It’s just your now paying the high rates directly while you’re unemployed looking for work. You make a difference by voting out every single republican, telling the supreme court they have gone completely off the rails, and keeping them in check.

These stupid debates have more in common with WWE than something a news network would carry. It was entertainment, not news. For example it seems like everyone got a kick out of Trump saying he didn’t sleep with a porn star.

I mean they kind of do it already on their website after the debate. You can’t have a slogan of “Facts First” and then have a debate where both candidates lie. It’s hypocritical. It should be “Entertainment First”.

Okay, then stop calling yourself a news channel and talk about how you put facts first. Start calling it entertainment. It’s hypocritical not to.

What about the people that voted for a moderate Republican in the primaries but refuse to vote for Trump? What about the libertarians who booed Trump during their conference? You’re making assumptions about millions of people. That only leftists vote for Biden.

What does that have to do with the audience being informed with the information to make a decision? Biden’s not innocent of this either. They should call him out too.

I’m nothing more than a moderate that wants things to get back to normal. This Trump immunity shit is not normal.

If they aren’t going to call out lies or challenge the crap that comes out of BOTH OF their mouths, they should stop using the “Facts first” slogan and say “entertainment first”. They are a series news organization, they have a responsibility to make sure people are informed. They failed miserably.

Okay professor thanks for the lesson. I’ll make sure all my fellow registered independents who are also happy with a moderate Republican and split their tickets get the memo.

Who said I was a lefty? I just hate Trump. There are other Republicans that are decent. They just don’t pass the batshit crazy test.

No, I got nowhere else to go. It’s hard if you’re not married to a foreign national or have a relative born in a certain country.

No, no it’s not. They have a responsibility to make sure people are well informed. CNN absolutely failed at that. Were they the channel that said “facts first”? Complete BS.

And did you see the Supreme Court ruling today that was basically the beginning of Trump’s coronation?

Did you see the Supreme Court ruling today? It’s the beginning of presidents having unchecked power with crimes. That’s how dictators function, not presidents.

Our almighty king and beloved leader? Who is officially immune from wrong doing while president?

They should have held trumps ass to the grill during the debate. Doing so afterwards was too little too late. They want Trump to win because he does wonders for their ratings.

Both candidates were embarrassing. In my opinion the biggest loser of the night was CNN for not calling out Trumps bullshit. They have a responsibility to make sure people are informed well enough to make a decision and they failed.