It’s annoyed me how nobody else acknowledged this. Very very good sir.

Yeah, Cole literally said in an interview ‘I told him, makes no sense if you do it, it’s mine’ in his usual deadpan delivery. Hasn’t ever hid from it being stolen. Makes it more cold IMO

Love details like that. I remember on Dynamite Cargill applauded Cody from Ringside a week after the Shaq match. Irritates me to this day.

Mine is an extension of this. Booker said he’d owe Orton a favour at the Rumble I believe for replacing him. We never got a payoff of the favour. Bugs me still.

:PL:Premier League

It’s crazy because I’m a Chelsea fan and can see this, I’ve probably only watched 40% of your games. But it is glaringly obvious what he’s done wrong and what needs to be done.

:PL:Premier League

They have a good manager. But he’s overthought this season. It wasn’t rocket science.

They just needed to plug and play Rice. Instead he fiddled, brought in a player like Havertz who isn’t the player to get you over the hump, and moved him around initially. Remember the Partey RB experiment too. Ugly but got away with it, much like Raya’s multiple wobbles.

Relied too much on Saka and Martinelli the past 2 years and now they seem to be feeling it.

Jesus isn’t a proper striker. Neither is Havertz. Nketiah is Nicolas Jackson level with less to his game linking play. Another issue not addressed.

He’s messed in the wrong places. GK wasn’t the issue. Havertz wasn’t needed.

They needed a backup for Partey and Rice after Xhaka left. Didn’t address.

Timber injury unfortunate, but needed another fullback anyway. Now even more evident. Timber not a proper fullback anyway.

He got too cute, they managed some bad performances earlier in the season. Now they aren’t.

Sign Toney in January as priority. Then a back up midfielder and a full back.

Play ESR or sell him and Nelson and bring someone in who can actually start games and give Saka and Martinelli a break.

If I was an Arsenal fan I’d be happy because it’s fixable everywhere. But frustrated and unhappy when like last January most of it doesn’t get resolved adequately.

2 cents.

Thrilled for Joe. Love him. MJF/Cole started over the world title and Cole cost him the title. I mean it’s a factor. What does Cole want to do to him now? I know why he did it. But going forward? Wednesday he will explain why I’m sure, but there is no ground to cover moving forwards other than MJF’s revenge. Which will be a while since Cole is injured

Couldn’t Wardlow have just played Joe’s part though, kayfabe wise? This makes him look like a schmuck not a killer.

The Kingdom have done nothing in this company, haven’t seen their work elsewhere, this is an AEW issue that happens where they (Tony) assumes I know acts from other companies, I don’t. Give me reason to care and take them seriously and not just tell me I should. I’ve seen the Gunns beat FTR and hold the belts on their TV show.

Don’t mind the predictable but a few things irk me.

Joe really worked with the Devil but wasn’t in the group. Makes him look like an afterthought despite being the world champion now.

Wardlow was happy for Joe to win the belt? Okay, cool guys.

The Kingdom? Really? Didn’t The Gunns beat them up in like 20 seconds during the Max/Switchblade feud while Roddy was trying to get on Max’s good side? Now we are taking them seriously?

Jay White, Page, The Acclaimed should be in the ring to open Dynamite trying to fight Wardlow, Kingdom and Roddy. Maybe Swerve too since he was accused. But the first 3 for sure should be wanting to scrap.

Again, not bothered it’s predictable, and I know injuries have played a part. But how we’ve got here and the fact Max may go away to heal for a bit leaves this confusing. Wardlow has blind loyalty to Cole now despite Max losing the belt? They’ve already beat him up, took his best friend away and he’s lost the belt. What is left?

Help me wrestling fans….

He’d be 3rd choice at both of those clubs too. Which is why it’s scary we find him starting games for us.

Depends on the opponent too. Sacrifice Gallagher for Palmer in the 10 against low blocks. Then Mudryk, Nkunku and Sterling front 3. Gallagher against big teams like the City game etc…

Agree. And Jackson shouldn’t start once Nkunku is ready.

Which he must be close to now. Mudryk Nkunku Palmer. Sterling for Mudryk if we must…but after today I’m happy for Mudryk to get a run with Stelring’s selfish choice.

But if it’s a choice between Broja or Jackson then Jackson every single time.

Absolutely this. Broja is nothing. Literally nothing. He does the same dallying as Jackson. But just had less chances to do so because he doesn’t do anything to get those chances.

Jackson at least puts himself about. Broja sleepwalks through a game anonymously. Jackson isn’t good, but he makes more opportunities for himself to show us. Broja just gets them less often so avoids criticism.

Jackson is ‘blind Squirrel finds a nut’. Broja is a dead Squirrel.

Was going to make a separate response to mention Rodgers ruptured Achilles and him being close to being fit. Happened in September. Some of these are nowhere near as severe. Bizarre.

Jack Fowler is a white man. He’s just black at heart. Cole Palmer is the best example of complexion.

Oh this is it for sure. He comes in for either Gallagher against bus parkers or for Jackson in big games with Gallagher in his current role.

Line up 1 against extreme low blocks. Line up 2 against teams who come out. Apart from maybe Silva in place of Disasi in number 2.

We’ve only played 4 PL games since. But yes, no goals scored. Played once in league cup and once FA cup too, also no goals. 6 games no goals, but not all PL games.

Sell Broja, sign a more experienced legit 9. Toney or Osimhen basically. Jackson still features heavily either in relief of the 9 or supporting as he has that profile. Nkunku doesn’t matter, he’ll find somewhere else. That’s the way. Broja isn’t it at all.

Left it late though didn’t he. Maybe him and Jackson can play together in the first team soon.

Does Matos get booked every game? That’s all I take from these.

:PL:Premier League

Henry for like a good 6 year stretch.

Bale for a few seasons. Suarez for 18 months. Cantona, Bergkamp, Lampard, Yaya, Le Tiss and Shearer.

Henry above all though.

Currently it’s KDB and probably not close. Kane ran him close just because it was inconceivable to me how he became a world class 10 while also playing 9 from ‘one season wonder’ striker.

Kane did it 2 years ago. Maddison, Odegaard and Saka last season. It’s more common than you think. Bergkamp I imagine had more than one season. Yorke and Cole did it together in the same team. Scholes, Beckham, Salah almost every year at Liverpool. That’s off the top of my head. Plenty have achieved that. It isn’t anything uncommon.