I mean it should deny it. I only use this for rent and rent day purchases and otherwise I lock the card. I don't trust BILT/WF. But I promise you, I was charged prior to an unlock.

Additionally, I shut down my card and I had two other charges this morning on a closed card! I called in to make sure I didn't have to do anything-- which is the case.

I hope it doesn't happen again.

Yeah, I caught mine immediately because I have WF notify me of any purchases >$1

I had to get my card replaced.

The lock, sadly, didn't do anything. I had a $250 facebook charge go through BEFORE I unlocked my card to make purchases 7/1. Weirdly, I feel like when I accidentally tried to pay for Pho (in-person) when it was locked that it WAS declined.

I hope this isn't going to be a recurring problem.

Thanks for the update!

I am looking forward to the time where Spanish is not an "assignment" for me.

Don't get me wrong, I am super passionate about this and am putting in the hours because I fervently want to get fluent ASAP; nevertheless, it is still "work" for me rn.

Luckily, my job is such that I can get most of my comprehensible input during my work hours and not have it kill all my time outside of work.

Lol. Appreciate it. Moved-on from this project awhile ago. haha

I feel like Spurs just needs to get off the schnide. I think it's like a mental block at this point.

Next year, I think winning the Carabao i would be great so that "we" can lose the "pressure" of our "reputation." I think the floodgates will open if that happens.

Hey man, just wondering if you followed up on this and if it worked out.

I am an "enthusiast" that hasn't played at all and am not particularly in-shape. I am looking ease into something chill to scratch this itch lol. Small sided seems great.

BTW, looked at your profile! COYS!


It's also galling that this had to be "internationalized."

Did GoT need to be internationalized and have more non-Whites leads in it?

Last I checked, Squid Game worked out and it wasn't even in English-- which I admit was a welcome surprise!

It would've been nice to see Netflix try to make a Chinese-language version work instead of creating an "international" version.

PS: I know that there is a Tencent version; I'm just saying the Netflix could've chosen to make a Sinocentric version, but they chose an "international" version for obvious reasons.

It would've been interesting to see how Asian Ams felt if Koreans did it with an all-Korean cast and it was well received lol.

This is not directed at you, but f that.

I don't need validation from White media to tell me my worth/"grant" progress.

I'm grown so it doesn't matter anymore. But if/when I have children, I'm making sure that Asian media is in their diet.

While I don't universally love K-media, I do appreciate that it exists and allows Asian Americans to see a different side of ourselves that isn't shown here. It's superficial-- I'm not even Korean-- but I still feel it's important to see people who "look" like me doing "cool" shit.

Let's not settle for scraps. We are beyond that ✊

Also, last I heard, Italians are misogynistic, but you don’t hear a peep from AFs about that shit. They romanticize that culture. For whites, they get to choose all the best parts of any white culture to defend their “superiority.”

American women of all the races are just the worst really.

Fair enough. Would it be fair to think that Refold might be a pathway to get to native language content if you can't build up like DS? It seems like Refold will be more painful, but maybe it's more flexible if you don't have "superbeginner" content? (e.g. Arabic)

I agree. I feel like Son at #9 would be better now that Maddison is back. The problem is that Richarlison can't play LW, isn't it?

Awesome, man! A question: are you also using refold?  I'm looking into it because I want to do Portuguese and French after I lockdown Spanish.  While I think there are some CI resources for P and F,  they are unlikely to be nearly as complete/good as DS and I'm trying to figure out my plan of attack for languages after Spanish.

I feel you. I just think the scale with which it happens with Asian women is remarkable for a reason. Asian American men should feel hurt by it because it is a direct insult and it shows the "status" superficiality of Asian women and women in general. I mean, what are we Asian guys supposed to do esp wrt the apps (given how notoriously racist women are on them-- a well documented phenomenon)? IRL and pray I guess lol. Just because female superficiality isn't based on physical looks doesn't mean it isn't shallow. American sexual politics is just so awful/unpleasant. Increasingly, it feels like it is less about being happy and more about "winning" a zero-sum game IMHO.

Hate to say it, but Asian women are kind of the worst. They seem to see being with a White guy as upgrading. Maybe it’s part of our striving culture?

I don’t feel like you see that with Black and Latina women. One can make the case that Black women are low (person) on the totem pole like Asian men in the dating scene, but Latinas, I don’t feel, show such a preference for White men. You don’t hear, “I don’t want to date my brother” in those cultures— at least I haven’t.

As for the foot binding stuff: it’s weird how Asian people have to defend centuries-old practices while White people do not. I’m sure if you went back to the times of Romans, their sexual politics were really progressive and not patriarchal /s. Corsets were really liberating for women weren’t they? Victorianism was great /s.

Thanks for the reply!

Boiling would solve the pathogen part, but I'm a little worried about industrial metals in the water as well?

If i drank mostly can drinks, would that solve my plastic waste problem? They collect cans for $ there just like Americans do here, no?

Maybe I can find a non-soda drink that won't ruin my waistline lol.

Coconut water as a viable replacement for bottled water?Travel

Apologies if this is written-to-death...

I am traveling to Cambodia in March and am trying to reduce plastic pollution as much as possible.

I am contemplating buying a Grayl, but would rather not lol. I would be down for refill stations, but I'm a little sketched by them in terms of maintenance (fair?).

If I drank coconut water-- straight from the coconut-- all the time, would that be a viable, (mostly) practical solution? Would the disposal be environmentally friendly (i.e. compost? maybe?) ? I'm willing to spend more in order to be a "better" global citizen.

I know this is very first-worldy; I would just prefer to lessen my part in the problem as much as possible.


Dude, the end of the 'The Mist' is so triggering for me because of my fear of spiders.

I will pat myself on the back: even though I hate spiders, I will see them out of the house rather than kill them. Can't square killing them with my Buddhist faith lol.

Edit: misspelled 'The Mist'

Chinese. I haven't seen it. Sister is a 1.5 and hated it. I'm reluctant to see it given how much she hated it.

I saw the 'The Farewell' with Awkwafina and felt very meh on that one. Also felt very meh about 'Turning Red'. I feel like these targeted movies just don't work with me. Maybe because I'm male?

I hate the NFL, but you have to give them credit for their success in selling their sport.

The other sports, I feel, essentially (mostly) have the same regional aspect. I love the Warriors, but I'm not watching OKC-Indiana on a Tuesday. Hell, I'm not that into watching the marquee teams like the Lakers or the Bucks unless it's the playoffs... maybe.

The saving graces for the NBA is that basketball is more international and they and their players are REALLY good at social media.