Might sound crazy but it ain't no lie, baby bi bi bi

Not only am I Chronically Online, but my main space is TUMBLR of all things. I'm regularly asking my partner "Do regular people know about ____ or is that only for the tumblr gays?"

Might sound crazy but it ain't no lie, baby bi bi bi

Yeah make Loki/Mobius canon, then we'll talk. 😤

Excuse me sir, do you have a moment to talk about Bucky Barnes?

IMHO yes it belongs on AO3, and maybe the fandom will determine what type of readership you get.

Example: In a SMALL fandom I'm interested in just about anything/everything, cause there is so little fic that I'm way more open to ideas and concepts, and if the writing is good it maybe become my new favorite thing. Even if it's all OCs, etc. I love the world and I'll try it all just to be in the world.

To contrast - in a BIG fandom I have just so many options at my disposal that I get to be super picky about what I read, in which case I stick to my primary blorbos smooshing their faces together. Yes occasionally other things make it through - via recs or just getting a wild hair, but not a regular occurrence.

So I say as long as your setting your expectations appropriately I see certainly no down side to putting it on AO3.

Excuse me sir, do you have a moment to talk about Bucky Barnes?

I'm just a reader, so I haven't experienced this. That being said - I do find that sentence a bit challenging. I do some editing for friends, and my method here would be to simplify and see if it still makes sense:

"But the insincere (or casual?) way the sentence had been uttered continued to irritate (or confuse?) X."

Personally I don't think "sensibilities" works here, and when I pull up the dictionary definition I still struggled to find a purpose for it in this sentence. There are also multiple ways to define glibness and vex that could change the meaning of the sentence - hence my parenthesis. Depending on the surrounding context this may/may not confuse your readers.

Just MHO! I'm no professional, just a hobbyist. :)

Excuse me sir, do you have a moment to talk about Bucky Barnes?

Just curious, as a reader, I've not seen anyone do this but it's a cool idea! Do you make it clear that they are stand-alone works despite being in a series? Sometimes I hesitate to start a series if it looks LONG but if it said in the description that they're all stand-alones this is a great solve re: subscribing to a ship!

Excuse me sir, do you have a moment to talk about Bucky Barnes?

Could either cure or worsen depression is such a mood honestly

Okay I wanted to find something CREATIVE since you mentioned that. It was hilarious googling "omegaverse but Clownfish AU" on my work computer but I'm super brave so I did it. If you're not put off by the tags, this is a favorite fic of mine that is ALSO super creative. I liked it so much even that I have it under my "Would read this forever" bookmark tag.

Scents and Sensibility: The Working Assassin's Guide to Supersoldier Seduction

Excuse me sir, do you have a moment to talk about Bucky Barnes?
  1. I am not put off at all

  2. I don't really read the other comments much. Sometimes I skim them? But not really relevant to me I guess. I don't want to read comments where someone was rude, so I'm not bothered by this?

  3. N/A - not a writer!

Excuse me sir, do you have a moment to talk about Bucky Barnes?

The Scottish Boy by Alex de Campi!

I really enjoyed it, and it's basically a Stucky Medieval AU with has some smut! But I really enjoyed the plot and have been considering a re-read even. She is a published author (who's comics I regularly buy), but I think she crowdfunded publishing this one? Either way I totally recommend it if they'd like a Medieval tale.

Excuse me sir, do you have a moment to talk about Bucky Barnes?

I love it when an author just off-handedly mentions some other media they love. Like, they couldn't HELP but make a reference, even if it's not the fandom they're writing in.

Example - was reading a Bucky Barnes Recovery fic (Marvel/MCU), the writer had him watching an episode of Xfiles and I delighted over this for a solid ten minutes. BE SELF INDULGENT it is the best.

Excuse me sir, do you have a moment to talk about Bucky Barnes?

This is immediately what come to mind to me too!

Excuse me sir, do you have a moment to talk about Bucky Barnes?

I absolutely loved this story from Speranza - it's shorter but an excellent time travel fic! Steve jumps through a time portal - and then Tony and Natasha follow him through to try to fix things. It is Stucky, but Tony is loved by this author so I really enjoyed it.

Might sound crazy but it ain't no lie, baby bi bi bi

Honestly I like it every time I see it so *shrug*

Excuse me sir, do you have a moment to talk about Bucky Barnes?

This is a Stucky fic - but I've sent it to no fewer than 4 people who don't read fanfiction, as an example of what fic can be. It's beautiful, it's gut wrenching, it's romantic. I'm not sure how you define mid-length though, so forgive me if 100k is too long!

Not Easily Conquered

Excuse me sir, do you have a moment to talk about Bucky Barnes?

Yeah I mean, just keep looking. I don't know what else to tell you haha. Some fandoms are more mature than others, so may be the media you're interested in. Also if you haven't looked on AO3 specifically that's what I'd recommend - tons of filters and you can exclude filters too - like exclude AUs if you want to stick closer to canon (or canon adjacent) fics. Typically when I'm new to a fandom I stick close to canon until I have a good feel for the world, then I start branching out into wilder and wilder AUs because it's just FUN. So I feel like what you want is absolutely attainable, but you're going to have to put in the time? And it may just not be the hobby for you if you're not wanting to put in the time.

Excuse me sir, do you have a moment to talk about Bucky Barnes?

Okay this is EXACTLY what I came here to say. BUT WHICH OT3 don't leave us hanging!

My dog was trying to avoid pooping - so I took her to the vet thinking something might be wrong or maybe she was just constipated? She got a clean bill of health and I was told "Some dogs are just weird."

Excuse me sir, do you have a moment to talk about Bucky Barnes?

I comment a lot - but mostly I just comment so the writer knows someone out in the world is loving something they made and it's really that simple for me. If I liked your fic I'm going to comment on it to just put good vibes out in the world. If they respond that is SO FUN AND COOL, and definitely creates more of a community feeling (it also makes me want to read more of their stuff), but it's still absolutely unexpected.

If I see that the writer replies to people a lot that may shape how I comment - knowing that they are ACTIVELY around and engaging with folks - I might write something more thoughtful or specific, but otherwise I just gush my emotions and praise in the box and go on my merry way!

Excuse me sir, do you have a moment to talk about Bucky Barnes?
  1. Subscriptions I end up cleaning up about once a year (I never unsubscribe to WIPs) - moving any completed works into my bookmarks if they meet my criteria

  2. Bookmarks I actively read out of and remove/add weekly if not daily

  3. Collections I don't use

  4. Marked for Later - I use this for TBRs that are under 30k wordcount. I do kinda always have a backlog but read about 1 a day

  5. My history is running but I don't really look at it

  6. I never clear my inbox! I'm a reader and I comment a lot so it's mostly authors and I squealing about our blorbos, which is just a delight

Excuse me sir, do you have a moment to talk about Bucky Barnes?

Oh of course! The ones that make you cry are the best ones.

Excuse me sir, do you have a moment to talk about Bucky Barnes?

I subscribe to WIPs (I don't put them in the marked-for-later list) and then they stay subscribed to potentially forever. No bother to me if they're chilling in my subscriptions!

Excuse me sir, do you have a moment to talk about Bucky Barnes?

I came here to rec Vox too! 👏👏👏

This. I do own my home and most days I wish I was renting. Instead I pay my mortgage AND pay for everything that goes wrong with the house, not to mention required insurance and taxes. None of which you have any real control over. My house feels like a ball and chain. I absolutely had more money, more freedom, and less fear, as a renter.

Excuse me sir, do you have a moment to talk about Bucky Barnes?

How many years I thought EVERYONE was attracted to all their friends. 😂

Excuse me sir, do you have a moment to talk about Bucky Barnes?

I once winked at a cute person, not really thinking about it, but then they flirted back and I nearly fainted.

My dog is all black and LOVES sun bathing on 100 degree days. I set a 5 minute timer and then make him come in lol!