So this is more of a general question that I'm not sure is easy to answer, so I might have to ask from 2 angles.

  1. As a reader, are you put off from leaving a comment if the author has the option to manually approve all comments turned on?

  2. As a reader, do you trust comments that are on a work less if moderation is on?

  3. As a writer, do you find you have less comments if you have moderation on than if you have it open for anyone to comment?

The context here is I use comment moderation but allow guests to comment. So I manually approve any comments through my inbox, almost entirely because I feel safer that way. I started doing so after ending an online friendship with someone who knows my main user ID as well as the one I use for spicy fic - and I'm not comfortable having everyone know those 2 people are the same person. Particularly because close friends and family know my main ID and I don't really need them knowing everything I write about, for my comfort and theirs.

So I have never had a negative comment, hate comment, and have never rejected anything that has been submitted. But I am wondering if having that option there is making the comments I do have look like I've only cherrypicked nice things to let through or if it's putting people off saying anything at all, because I really do love comments on my works they let me know I've reached someone. I'm not sure if I want to turn off moderation, because it is a little comfort buffer, I just can't help but overthink everything.