I did put it on the gallery.

If it is any consolation, my one build that I uploaded, I uploaded In hopes someone could at least help me with the roof.

All I got was "what is this, is this supposed to be a prison?"

My cats are not my children and they are not my parents. I am just their slave and they are my overlord.

My mom died when I was 26. She was only 56. I am now 54. Not saying I am "lucky" or "forunate", but we grew up going to funerals on average once a year. We grew up with the thought that it is just life. And depending how close we were to the deceased we, it was more sad or less sad.

When my mom died, it was more unexpected than not. We grieved and we moved on. I didn't suffer any real trauma. Sure I was sad, and sure I miss her. She was not a perfect mom, and definitley had her faults. She was not the worst either. She was not my "friend" that we could talk about anything, but she was my mom.

To be honest, i dont think about her daily. I rarely give her birthdays or death days a second thought anymore. I haven't been to the cemetery in years, although she is buried like 15 feet from a busy street so I can just wave.

I honestly had more trouble when my niece died (11 years old) six months after my mom died. We were more relieved that she died after my mom. Your are "supposed to bury your parents." You are not supposed to bury your kids.

Some people think I am cold. But this is basically how my family deals with death.

I have mental illness issues (diagnosed) and am not always the cleanest person. I have let my dishes go to the point they were moldy. Usually in the fridge, but once I left something in a closed crackpot for over a week Forunstley one of my diagnoses does not have to do with hoarding because I sure as shit threw that out.

My mom taught me and my siblings how to drive on a manual. No drivers ed, and probably definitely not enough time before test taking. Fortunately though she had us take the test in our dad's basically identical car but automatic. Otherwise I probably would have had to retake the test multiple times.

I'm assuming manual. You can have 1000 driving lessons, but once you can drive solo, you will do it again in the first week. Just keep practicing and if you stall, don't let thr people behind and around you make you nervous. The more you get nervous, the more impatient and frustrated you will get, potentially making it worse. Take a deep breath and try again.

Of course when I was learning many moons ago, lots of people drove manual or knew someone who did, so people were slightly more patient. Now In the u.s. I have met people (30 year olds)who have never been in a car that had a manual.

Mine really only likes to be outside if the weather is "perfect". Not hot, not cold low humidity etc.

Last night was perfect. It also prolly has to do with she worked very hard earlier guarding me from the catapillar hanging in the tree and took a trazadone nap, so by this pint she was wide awake. I did sit out woth her till about 2 until I was too tired.

I have entertained the thought of a wireless fence for in front, but my neighborhood is very prone to stray dogs running around. My dog is not super reactive, but not a fan of super friendly dogs that shout "let's be friends, let's be friends!"

Uv light reccomendation?Tools/Equipment

Does anyone have an Amazon link to a uv light that is inexpensive, but works? There are so many that look similar, but half the reveiws said they don't work, etc.

I have 6 cats and a dog and have been slightly neglectful and want to do a deep clean. And yes I know my whole house has the potential to light up. I am not germaphobic, just want to make sure I do a better job than usual..

I haven't joined this group specifically, but are assuming you are in it. Are these Two piebald?

I personally describe them as "prince is wearing a dark pinstriped suit with a few pieces torn off by his brother Zeus who then turned those Into a fashion statement for himself."

I haven't joined this group specifically, but are assuming you are in it. Are these Two piebald?

I personally describe them as "prince is wearing a dark pinstriped suit with a few pieces torn off by his brother Zeus who then turned those Into a fashion statement for himself."

Aussies and their imposters, Unite!

(I say this because Daisy is a pound dog that is aussie enough that get shamed for "shaving" her. My guess is 3/4 and Labrador)

Generally speaking, only the cat called answers. Most senior 15 years old and still going strong was just "kitty" then the rest is history.

I have a cat that is about 6.5 pounds. She could probably stand to lose half a pound. She is just a little cat. It is quite noticeable when I "grab her head" kinda like a ball. No I am nit hurting her. She has a baseball size head. My other cats' heads feel more like a youth sized softball and one even has a regular sized softball.

We call that peanut butter snack. She thinks she gets to have one everytime I take a pill.

Vacuum real well and spray some folex on the stains. No need to spray alot. Scrub with a brush. Let dry. If you find the spots are now cleaner than the rest of the carpet, do this to the whole carpet. If you have a carpet steamer, go over the whole carpet with just water after using folex.

May not be perfect, but it should do. For reference, I have tan carpet and six cats and a dog.

A decent landlord should expect some wear and tear and slightly dingy carpet And shouldn't charge you part of your security deposit. Especially if you pay pet rent. That all changed though if it is scratched all to hell and smells like piss and has to be replaced. A good landlord gets a carpet steam cleaned regardless of how clean it looks.

How about some brotherly love, or 2 for the price of one?


My fat pig cat won't even touch aldi cat food.

I would vacuum it well first. Use a lint brush on it of there is hair and vacuum some more. And then spray it with folex and use a scrub brush on it and let it dry. And maybe vacuum again. Not saying it will come out perfect. Will probably be improved. But that is what I would do.