The Cleaning Community

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Are Scrub Daddies Really That Great?Discussion

Everyone on the internet seems to be enamored with them, but I'm happy with my normal 12 pack of yellow-green sponges. Is it just hype? Or should I actually give them a try?

My roommate oils the bottom of their frying pan, and then uses it on our glass top stove. It’s making a burnt oil mess. Kitchen

Wondering what the best way to clean this is, as it’s leaving burnt oil junk and stains on the stovetop.

Also, is this normal? They have a cast iron pan so I get they need oil to season them or whatever, but it’s just getting oil directly on the glass elements and elsewhere on the stovetop when they rest their pan there.

How to clean when depressed?General Cleaning

I'm really embarrassed to admit this, but I feel like it has to be said in order for me to get better. My room is a bit of a mess right now.

For some context, I struggle with feelings of hopelessness and self-loathing. Those feelings have lead me to hate the state of where I am, and I want to change that every day. Everyone recommends therapy for it, but I can't afford it at all.

I do know that having a clean & inviting house/room makes me feel a little bit more comforted and happier, but the only problem is that I always tell myself that it won't matter, because it'll just get messy again. That, or I'm so mentally exhausted after work that I feel like I can't keep up.

I want my bedroom to be an aesthetically-pleasing safe space. It's a BIG room with dark blue walls. My parents also threw things in that don't really belong in here, like tacky, hot pink bungee chairs and boxes of books from my childhood. It's like my room became the second attic. Working on cleaning it has made me feel so overwhelmed.

Does anyone have tips on how to maintain a clean area while struggling with feelings of hopelessness? Any help at all is appreciated.

I just wanna get better.

How to keep house clean? Discussion

Hi everyone.

I’ve been struggling a lot with keeping up with housework and because of that my house is filthy. For context, I have 3 cats and two toddlers so you can imagine the mess. I’m 4 months pregnant and have been nauseous my entire pregnancy, along with severe fatigue and migraines. I have dishes and laundry piled up, toys thrown everywhere, cat litter everywhere. I seriously don’t know what to do. My husband is not much of a help and my family could also care less about offering help. Please let me know your suggestions. Thank you.

Where can I get the big picture ideas on how to become a cleaner person?General Cleaning


I've been struggling with chronic depression for decades and I'm finally stable enough to notice how horrid my living space is. I really want to do something about it, and I know it will be a combination of 1) deep cleaning the crap out of every room, 2) a massive decluttering journey + getting rid of at least 50% of the crap in my home, and 3) a lifestyle/habit overhaul of thinking more preventatively and maintaining my home as a sanctuary of peace. It's going to be a hell of a journey, and I've been lurking in this sub for over a year to try to learn by osmosis.

The info here is great, but often focused on very specific cases ("how do I get this type of stain out of that type of material?"). Are there any good resources breaking down the high-level picture of how to become a less dusty person in general? Even the stuff that seems really fundamental that you learned as a kid and take for granted might be useful. Maybe there's a better sub for people like me? Any tips you can share would be greatly appreciated!

Pink stuff- what am I doing wrong?Discussion

Pink stuff hasn’t really been the godsend that this community has made it out to be. I got some but I’ve been terribly underwhelmed with its performance. It seems to clean no better than most of my other cleaning products, and far worse than the HGs like BKF and CLR.

How do yall use it that makes it worth the time?

Need to deep clean whole house to satisfy the cleanliness expectations of a janitorGeneral Cleaning

My uncle is coming to visit his mom and apparently the last time he visited I didn’t clean well enough and he told off my mom about how my grandmas house was unacceptable. I did the usual sweeping vacuuming mopping cleaning sheets etc that one usually does to clean a house but that wasn’t good enough for him. He told mom off about the dust in forgotten places and other such things so this time I need to do a good thorough deep clean. The problem is I’m a very unobservant person and he is a very observant person so he would think of finding dirt and grime in places I wouldn’t. Where are these places that I need to clean and how do I clean them?

Black crap in toilet tank was causing continuous bowl stainingBefore & After
  • I already removed all the gross black crap on the float head with hot vinegar using a handheld pressure washer and scrubbed the tank before taking the photo.

  • I added 1/4 cup of pure oxalic acid crystals to hot tap water and let it soak in the tank overnight. I probably could have used less oxalic acid.

What’s your go to time of the day to clean?Discussion

personally my energy comes in the afternoon (which i hate) but i’ve learned to manage. i’d take cleaning in the afternoon over morning any day although i wish i liked mornings more ive learned that i just cannot. have any of you experienced this ?

Towels with a greasy, feeling, even after washing.Laundry

So I noticed often I have some small washcloths that end up feeling kind of stiff and I don’t know the word but it’s greasy, but it’s not necessarily greasy dirty.

This is even after I they soaked and wash them with laundry detergent (Arm& hammer brand with oxy clean ) and bleach, baking soda, and dawn dish soap in very hot water, and then rinse them with hot water and then wash again with vinegar. And still end up with that weird residue

They are 100% cotton and white. The ones with the residue end up kind of a off-white color.

I suppose greasiness could come from the grapeseed oil that I used to cook with and also moisturize my skin with… The grapeseed oil is very light, however. And as I said, I use Dawn dish soap for all my handwashing in the kitchen in the bathroom as well as in the laundry.

Any ideas or suggestions? Thx

Unpacking after a move tips?Organization

Hi everyone, I just moved to a house from a 2-bedroom apartment. I'm struggling to figure out how to unpack and organize I took this week off from work to be able to get the house in order but i am so overwhelmed i don't know where to start or how to get it done. Does anyone have any tips? How should I manage my time?
