Snap is social media, just in case you didn’t know.

Have you read the Anxious Generation by Johnathan Haidt? You may be interested. He explains many of the reasons why smartphones, social media, and high speed internet have radically changed kids. It’s a tough read in the fact that it’s very heartbreaking.

I have two cats, one I raised from 4 weeks old and so is very used to being handled and carried and never had a problem.

The other one, she needed a lot more time. First I just left it out with catnip in it. Then I started putting her in it but letting her get out. Eventually I would close it, carry her around the house for a min, and then let her out. That led to going outside, then to a short walk, and now longer walks. She wasn’t compliant at first, but once she recognized backpack meant adventure, she has grown to love it (and will even nap in it if I leave it out). She always meows in protest when I put her in it, but she doesn’t physically resist. So I guess that’s kind of a compromise for her.

My kitties get to wear a harness and leash. We tie their leashes up to a pole while we enjoy outside time together. Sometimes, we put them in their kitty backpacks and take them on walks with us.

Throne made of soy cheese

So she got a mild cold?

Just gonna say that I would probably never wear this dress myself, but….. if that isn’t one of the most gorgeous dresses I’ve ever seen! Yowza!

Canceling a wedding is gonna be a lot cheaper and much less painful than divorce.

Skip one of the cleansers. Gently wash face for at least 30 seconds. Go get a gentle exfoliant (face scrub). Moisturizer while face is still damp.

North Park in Dallas is doing fantastic. Going there is one of my favorite things to do.

Getting off of social media. Your skin looks good to me. Skin will always look like skin, and yours had a healthy glow.

Some things that can help- drinking LOTS of water and treating yourself with a hydrafacial. Perhaps you can also oil cleanse, if you aren’t already.

Fighting is not normal in a relationship and should not be normalized. This marriage is doomed.

You were a cute kid, so wrong sub. Also…Filtered pics are not going to help you feel better about yourself.

Makes sense! I have a couple of good friends who are celiac, and I really want them to feel considered. Perhaps I can come up with a desert that is already gluten free, like crème brûlée

Thanks for reminding me that I need a GF option!! 😱

I’m going to do a dessert bar, with cookies, brownies, and cupcakes

Well the drivers seats in the UK are on the right, since they drive on the left (opposite of US). If he had damage, it’d be on the other side of his face

You were a cute kid. Filters are not helping you feel better about yourself