Interesting. I let the printer cool off for a while and it went away, so seems all good now.

Fan is definiitely spinning, but upgrading the board fan is not a bad idea... Will def print some new feet for the poor guy though

Thanks for the tips, I’ll check those out. The printer has been running for about 20 hours on a single print, but I’ve been doing a few longer prints like this without issue. Is it possible the printer just needs a break? lol


This was me 20 minutes ago... Couldn't for the life of me figure out why I was having problems with my prints xD

Redditors would rather throw a fit than acknowledge an alternative perspective. If you don't like crowds, fair enough; that doesn't mean RSD is something this sub should be telling people to actively avoid.

Ikea LACK Enclosure Acrylic Alternatives?

Hi everyone :)


I'm in the process of building one of the famous LACK enclosures for my ender 3, but I was wondering if anyone has used something like plywood or foamboard instead of the typical acrylic? I don't care too much about seeing a 360 degree view of the printer; plus it's a little bit pricey IMO at ~$60. Interested to hear what anyone has done!

I used an 80% hydration recipe from a family member, so no link available:
500g bread flour

100g whole wheat flour

460g water

185g starter

15g sea salt

:Audi_RS: 2018 RS3

Bro went to Los Santos customs


Lets go! Love seeing TF|2 fans outside of r/titanfall

Yeah no doubt, I’ve done plenty of tasting at roast house. Super nice staff!

Ladder and Indaba as someone else already mentioned, but also First Ave! Strangely, if you go directly to First Ave's roaster in town (Roast House Coffee), they do not give you the free drip when you buy a bag...

I got a kitten my second semester of 1L and I’m not going to say it was a breeze… that being said I do think it’s worth it! He’s become my companion and something to look forward to when I get home since I’m in a LDR.

The biggest thing for me has been the cost. Cats are more expensive than you think, especially if you’re on a tighter budget! I could easily argue the emotional support is worth the cost, but to each their own :)
