Nobody cares that you struggle down the jetway nobody cares about your woes! What is odd though is the OJ dash up the jetway to the next gate or the sprint to baggage claim!!

All you have to do is ask politely and with your attitude on here I can see why they don’t give you the can.

Guarantee you they out the entire mini bottle in your drink!

Fly delta then you can buy your first to third row seat in first class!

SWA boarding and seating process is terrible, unless you’re a wheel chair pre boarder that’s miraculously gets healed by Jetway Jesus!

How many times have you lost an engine @100ft agl that wasn’t in the sim? I can think of one memory item that is time critical. Loss of pressurization and that is dependent on time of useful consciousness at certain FL. Engine failure… memory item fly the airplane… I think your argument is without merit! However glad it did not pass.

Given a true flight physical most guys wouldn’t pass

Call the fire department!!! That’s was on fire!!! 🔥

Hurt why would you say that

Quit it’s not for you

20 years old!!!! You must be a wealth of life experiences!! Glad you got a license to learn…

Oh really….I saw the announcement in Feb of them accepting helicopter time now as well 500 turbine preferred… didn’t know they started doing that a few months ago..

They relevant when they start back up though is it not?

Heard from a reliable source SWA is raising mins.

I think it three blocks from Shakedown Street

Pre covid the population was on a steady climb and 2023 it has leveled with a growth rate of less and 1%. The entire population is 1.3 million. Roughly 18k people a year during the Covid years… a drop in the bucket really considering the number of people added to this country daily..

Please… farming is a full time gig if you think he is out farming and ranching on the regular, you need to out down the bong!! That’s a good one though