Go NOW. Soon you won’t be able to hunt, hike, camp, or fish in the Crazy Mountains anymore.


“As a wave of wealth sweeps Montana, landowners are blocking the public from public lands.

The Crazies, it seems, have been swept up in the wave of wealth and gentrification that is reshaping the West — driving up housing costs in nearby towns, displacing working-class residents and carving up the landscape for profit.

Crazy Mountain landowners have for years indicated what they want in exchange for ​“resolving” these trail disputes: National Forest land.

In public comments submitted to the Forest Service, many people expressed bafflement that the proposed deal would not secure public rights to either of the main east side trails in dispute. The deal instead proposed a new public trail, dubbed ​“Sweet Trunk,” which would sidehill along the steep eastern front for 22 miles to reach Sweet Grass Creek. The existing Sweet Grass Trail reaches the same spot in five miles. In short, only the most determined members of the public would interrupt outfitters’ exclusive access to the animals and what little public land was left in the Sweet Grass drainage.”<<