I will only whiten off and on as O see stains appearing. I take a picture of my smoke and use that to determine where the stains are.

He’s SO dumb-looking. Reminds me of Gumbi.


I ordered some toys the other day and just got this gem in the mail today.

We have one! I just forgot about it

Degree was a Bachelor of the Arts (communications)

Please pray for my sister

My 33-yard old sister found out that she has a mass in her uterus. She will undergo additional testing to determine if she has cancer. She’s such a faithful Christian and doesn’t deserve this. Please pray for her physical and mental health.

Neither is fat.

As someone with a disability since age 21 (I’m 44 now), this disgusting. And when I was younger, I used to get yelled at by old people or using handicap parking.

I saw an interview with 2 female comedians regarding their opinion on their verdict. They said as Black women, they didn’t know one black person that thought he was innocent. They said they never would’ve thought they’d see that many people cheering when he was deemed innocent.

I had braces for 3 years and genetically bad teeth years before that. I also have chronic health issues and had bad teeth due to medication.

-First, start drinking everything (except water) with a straw. These dark liquids will bypass your teeth when drinking colored liquids

-if possible, get professional dental trays. You can always buy the “boil” trays over the counter for much less

-Buy a good whitening gel. I use one from Amazon.

5 XL 38% Dentist Recommended High... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B008KSEZLO?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share

-I take a photo of my teeth to determine which teeth need the most work. This gives you a different angle than just looking in the mirror. You’ll be surprised

-schedule your whitening before you go to bed. This reduces any chance that you’ll be eating or drinking for 8 hours, providing the best results

-depending on what side of your mouth your stains are on, you may need t whitening one side (right or left) at a time. If you try to do both at the same time, it can disrupt the gel on the opposite side and make the whitening attempt ineffective

-I notice parts of my teeth looked stained but cousins figure out why. I realized in-between my teeth were stained. You can place a thin line of gel on the crack in-between your teeth and it makes a difference. Don’t ignore those areas.

-I place the gel directly on my stained teeth, then put my trays on.

Hope this helps. Happy whitening!

It’s constant maintenance. I’ve been able to maintain white teeth with occasional touch-up. However I discovered that drinking all dark liquids with a straw dramatically helped maintain my smile. I’m a chronic tea-drinker (possibly quart a day). Water is the only liquid I drink without a straw to make it easy.

Omg - I’m old enough to remember these prices