:Glyph: Game Master

The recall knowledge ones are the ones that take longest because you need to look up what the recall knowledge DC is, since usually other skill actions are against a stat.

You should have that information available anyways.

Predominantly Baptist and anything that labels itself as “independent.”

Oh yes, I wouldn't trust a Baptist to be decent (on certain topics) if their life depended on it. Also, they're really big on hypocrysy. I still remember my grandparents hiding the cooking sherry because the pastor was coming over -- and they most assuredly loved their drinks. As my edit pointed out, my focus was mostly on calling out that Protestantism isn't a religion anymore than Christianity is.

, Protestantism scares me the most as the most violent and the most eager to embrace cheap grace at the expense of others and their physical and mental health.

Which branch of Protestanism? Baptist? Quaker? Ecumanelist? Evangelical?

Edit: To clarify my point, "Protestant" is as much a singlular religion as "Christianity" -- which is to say, it isn't. At all.

There's some truth to this. But don't forget that there's also lead poisoning going on.

It's not any one thing -- it's the interaction of all of them.

:Glyph: Game Master

Ron's Bewildering Circus

5th Rank Arcane, Divine, Occult

2-3 Actions

60 Foot Range, 30 Foot Burst, duration sustained 1 minute

When you cast this spell, and once each turn when you sustain this spell, every creature in the area must roll a 1d8 and take an effect determined by the below chart. Effects last for one round unless otherwise specified

1) Gravity Inversion -- Reflex save to avoid being elevated 10 feet up into the air; 20 feet on crit fail if you don't have a fly speed, you can only move by pulling yourself along walls 2) Grasping Force -- Fortitude save or be grabbed; on a crit fail, immobilized 3) Frightful Aura -- Will save or Frightened 1; on crit fail, Frightened 2 4) Crushing Gravity -- Fort save or be knocked prone; on crit failure also be immobilized unless you escape 5) Enemies Everywhere -- will save or be off-guard to everyone; on a crit fail, this continues past one round; each time the caster sustains you can re-roll the save to break free 7) Abrupt Force -- reflex save; on fail, move 10 feet in the direction of the caster's choice; crit fail 20 8) Re-roll; caster can move the save one degree in the direction of their choice

If cast with three actions, you may choose the effect one target receives on cast, while gaining the benefit of an 8 on the roll. Additinally, you may spend 2 actions to sustain to repeat that benefit.

Would be terrible in actual play, but oh-so-much chaotic fun!

:Glyph: Game Master

There's a massive hole in the lack of cleric/fighter. I see warpriest, but it still feels heavily like a caster with minimal melee support.

I've played one. That's not entirely wrong -- but it's much more wrong than it is right. A warpriest will never be as strong a martial as a dedicated martial (or as strong a caster as a dedicated master). But if you take the right feats, opt into the right choices, it's actually pretty damned impressive.

My warpriest was a follower of the Divine Dare, so I walked around with a 1D6 spiked guantlet that gave me a free hand. I could punch for OK damage, but I focused much more on athletics -- trip an enemy, grapple them, screw their day over while the rest of the party reduced them to a bloody paste.

It. Was. AWESOME. Slaver boat pulling out of the camp with the person we want to rescue on board? The rest of the party cleared out the camp, while I used the Jump spell to get on board and then proceeded to toss all the slavers overboard and claim it as my own. (Party then picked off the swimmers) Because my primary offensive tools were martial-like, and Healing Font gave me a ton of heals, my high-level slots were very open to whatever I needed or wanted. Sending, high-level auguries, anything that wasn't DC based, I could make great use of it. Heroism let me close the gap with other martials when I really wanted to go all-out, and hte campaign was heavy enough on demons that the various holy damage feats let me close the damage gap and really shred a lot of foes.

And that was in a camapign without free archetype. If I had FA, I could have grabbed wrestler for Combat Grab and really gone ham!

Completely insufficient information to answer. Are you feeding the water from your steam turbines back into the chamber? Is the chamber fully sealed?

I'm autistic. While I was growing up, my parents were able to paper over the increasing gaps between them, but I had a rough patch in my life after I got out of high school and into college (wasn't easy to get the job my father expected / required me to get since I couldn't be in school every week of the year). One of the hardest things to deal with is that I am not responsible for their divorce, but my nature was the wedge that hammered open the gap between the two of them.

You are not responsible here. You are who and what you are, and anyone demanding you to change it is the jerk. Especially when it's something that can't be changed. You are exposing something that was papered over, a conflict that is in no way your responsibility or your fault. Understanding the dichotomy between cause and responsibility can be difficult, especially because usually they go hand in hand, but this is very much an exception.

To give you a (vastly simplified and obviously flawed) analogy: a house was constructed to be able to hold 5,000 pounds per room. You move a 4,000 pound piano into the music room, and the supports start failing. Turns out the builder used a flawed support beam that could only hold 3,500 pounds. You aren't responsible here, but you did reveal a problem that already existed.

Correct, should've written "coal or hydrogen".

Sorry, I could have phrased myself better too. My point was that you don't need a sustained power supply -- just enough to get a few runs of metal out. Then you use those runs of metal to bootstrap a few more runs. And so on.

The early game is very much 'the tools to build the tools to build the tools' to build your sustainable base.

You don't need a petroleum power plant to make steel. Coal and hydrogen on smart batteries are more than enough.

I'll go a step further: because I tend to chase Super Sustainable, I frequently do a lot of my initial metal without anything more than an intermittently running hydrogen generator.

I get just enough metal to get myself into the oil biome and pump a reservoire full of oil, which I then use in the constructino of a steam chamber with just enough steel to use the oil as coolant for steel production.

I then use steel production as a power source for more steel production.

The key thing here is that I don't try and jump to full-scale metal / steel production. I start with 'just enough' to get something mediocre running, and use that to bootstrap myself to the next stage -- usually while using the 'waste' heat as a way to melt a cold biome or two so I don't run out of water. (It's amazing how effective just a little bit of radiant piping in the cold biome can be at cooling the rest of your base!)

Order things from the top down, since that's how democracies work! /s

:Glyph: Game Master

Two things: there's a higher level feat (Titan Stature) for an additional +5 reach, and most people doign giant instict for reach pick a weapon that's reach by default.

Significant increase in danger due to living on a cul-de-sac -- despite being billed as 'safer', they're actually significantly more likely to have accidents occur in them.

If you're stopped (or moving slowly) and someoen is honking at you, it's to tell you to move!

Think of it as less rediscovering Jupiter, and more remapping an entire star system after a major gravitational source got blown up, probably with attendant secondary effects.

This IS a game where the main components are real life gases, liquids, solids and how pressure, temperature interacts with them is very life like.

I don't know how to respond to this. I don't want to jump to the assumption of asking you if you're just trolling us, but at the same time the sheer absurdity of this statement is simply incomprehensible.

Trying to chart a middle ground: no, it's not even remotely realistic. It's close enough that if you close your eyes and hum really loudly you might miss all the ways it's wrong, but once you start really working with them it's impossible to miss all the ways they're wrong. And that's if you outright ignore the inability of gas and liquids to mix.

This is a very interesting game about real life physics

I have two reactions here. Since one is just cackling laugher, I'll focus on the other. This is NOT a game about real life physics. It is so far from a game about real life physics, that you have to explicitly acknowledge it is a game that embraces the concept of simulated phyics to even begin to understand it.

Just a few things that come to mind that aren't possible in real life: hydrogen generators should require oxygen (as should coal and petroleum), electrolsysis should require more power than the resulting hydrogen generates not less, pressure damage should occur just as much from gasses as liquids, gases should mix rather than be one-per-cell, and on and on and on.

I will admit, that is odd. Maybe I'm wrong -- there's a lot of UI wierdness in this game.

You're gaining an aaverage of 5 units every 5 cycles; you're spending an average of 3 units every 5 cycles, so your net change is +2 units every 5 cycles.

Classic abuser tactic of DARVO: Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim and Offender. Apparently it's not just for abusive relationships anymore.

She was trying to control the entire area around her, because she was the Main Character. When you pointed out the unreasonableness of her position, she denied your statement, attacked you to put you on the offensive, and if the interaction had continued would have attempted to reverese who was the victim and who was the offender.

The situation doesn't make sense to you because you're trying to percieve it from a rational position, whereas that woman clearly was approaching it from an emotional one.

I'm hoping my company's stock options continue to do well for another 3 or 4 years. If they double in value the way some people hope (which isn't impossible), well, they'll be a nice addition to the money I'm putting into savings.

I might be able to afford a 750 square foot condo!

(AKA: I'm probably stuck renting for the next ten years, because interest rates are insane right now)

I've actually had a pet theory that there is actually some sort of brain.. something.

Lead poisoning. Several studies show that the boomer generation has a lot of it. Worse yet, as they age, the lead that's been fixed in their bones is being released as their skeletons age.

I think that is why there are signs at public pools asking people to shower before entering the water.

We all carry a ton of surface dirt around with us. More than you'd think. A quick rinse off gets a lot more out before you hit the pool than you realize.

I have no skills relevant to surviving in high-altitude wilderness with no one in the vacinity to help. I'd have to hope a wagon train passes by close enough to take pity on an obvious mad man who is -- to their sensibilities -- dressed quite scandalfully.