I was on my way home from work today, usually a 15 min drive down one long stretch of road that has a speed limit of 40mph, slower around curves. Every day this week I've been behind at least one boomer going slightly slower than the speed limit, but nothing worth getting real mad about.

Today though was different. I could see the glasses and the disheveled hair. He kept looking behind him in the rearview mirror or down at his dashboard. He was going 25. On a 40mph road. He went 10 motherfucking mph around the curves. He braked -- I mean completely stopped -- at every green light as though they were stop signs. He motherfucking STOPPED IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD for no fucking reason at one point. I honked and he slowly proceeded. I was stuck behind this fool my entire trip home, which took double what it should've. I would've turned off and gone a different way, but this was the only direct route to my house unfortunately. For real though why do the boomers emerge when there's the most traffic and drivers are at their worst mood when they themselves can't tell a driveway from an intersection? To him I was probably one of those "crazy city drivers" with the amount of honking I gave him.