Canada has shit pay for everything aviation. For pilots the disparity is even worse.

A way cooler question is why does your union take money every paycheck but not give you any money when they tell you to strike?

Most unions do have strike pay... Also scabs decrease the unions negotiating power and lower wages for everyone.

There's a reason pilots still keep track of 40 year old scab lists.

My bad, I started playing in Theros. Apparently it changed 1 year before that.

WPG - NHL :60213:

She's not an osteopath, she's a doctor of osteopathic medicine. In the US that's a real doctor with real training/certifications while osteopaths are the crackpots.

You'll also hear them referred to as a DO.


The company is more than able to give them a deal and end the strike tomorrow, which is what the union wants. Or they can let the strike go until the arbitrator comes to a decision, which could take weeks/months. That's the companies choice.

Also you can't sue WestJet or the union for a legal strike lol.

The trigger happens once and creates a game state where a lot of game actions are now illegal.

TOR never had its trigger acknowledged, so it never triggered and he never had protection. This has been how the rules worked forever. You have never been required to remind your opponent of their triggers.

By the time the illegal game action is taken, it's technically too late for you to say "oh, my one ring triggered in the past."

If a trigger doesn't have a visible impact on the game state you are only required to acknowledge it the first time it would have an impact. In this case that would have been in response to the sun cleanser ETB. This is all in the IPG for missed triggers.

Ya but Reddit hates chalice checking too because they don't know how rules work.

Including missed triggers

The judge should never interfere for a missed trigger. If they do your obviously just kinda stuck with it but they're not supposed to.

I believe even if Javier didn't say anything when TOR is on, if at the time JED targeted him and he reminded it was invalid, all parties would acknowledge and move forward.

This is correct, you need to acknowledge the trigger the first time it effects the game state in a visible way (assuming you don't explicitly call it out when it triggers). By not doing this when targeted he was shown to have missed the trigger.

No one cheated in this game. He followed the rules and his opponent missed the trigger. This is extremely common at comp REL and often the correct play if you're trying to win. Hell "chalice checking" someone is a term because of this.

TOR trigger was never acknowledged, so it's not a GRV. Not pointing out he has protection when targeted by the ETB (the first time the trigger would have affected the game state) means that it was missed.

:max-verstappen: Max Verstappen

Ya, the onboard shows Max going straight or right (not turning into Lando) and there's clearly enough space for Lando not to hit him. Then Lando shreds his tire and max goes wide.

:max-verstappen: Max Verstappen

The only time max jinks to the left is after his tire is shredded. You can watch the onboard, before the initial contact max is only going straight or turning right.

Wait, are you trying to say your main drain is 13 ft deep? That seems insane even for a northern climate.

Also I would be skeptical that the gas company could even see roots in a pipe, especially that deep.

Step one is get it camera'd and see what's actually in the pipe, from there the short term is having the roots cut out with an auger then applying chemicals to slow the root growth. Long term is replacing the pipe either by digging or having the pipe relined depending on its condition and digging costs.


It looks like a sock filled with marbles rofl.

Assuming the Americans have intel on the French forces this is an easy stomp.

Once they take out the artillery and planes the French have basically nothing left.

You guys pressure wash near the gear?

Is that how gene-seeds work?

No, the gene-seed makes them look a bit more like their primarchs but doesn't change their race or anything. They're still whatever they were before it was implanted.

You don't have $20m either, so either you're not saving shit or just follow the prompt.

It doesn't matter what they cost. Even if they're expensive increasing the overall housing supply will lower the cost of other housing.

WPG - NHL :60213:

Tbf that was the most dominant team Canada has ever had, so it worked.

Goonswarm Federation

It's still wild to be that the server issues made M2 better for PAPI, not worse.