Gimme more of that incest and HOT D

It really worked for me there though. The quick cut from these 2 guys bickering to the camera panning out over hundreds of corpses really emphasized how quickly that shit got out of control.

Gimme more of that incest and HOT D

I was with you about dragons until this episode. Did you see how fast Baela was moving on that thing?

Gimme more of that incest and HOT D

I definitely agree they should have shown more of Jace and Cregan's time in the north. It was said in the book that they "swore an oath of brotherhood" to each other, or something like that, not to mention the whole Sara Snow thing. I'm alright with them cutting the latter part, but I think it would make Cregan's role at the end a lot more meaningful if it showed how close him and Jace had become.

Maybe they're going to make some changes to Cregan's story, but if it follows the book, I"m not really expecting to see much more of him until the end of the show. And by that point, it's going to be like "oh yeah... that guy from that one scene in season 2?"

Gimme more of that incest and HOT D

I don't think she's actually chill, she's going through stages of grief. She's in denial this episode "oh people die all the time, it's really not a big deal, why should I be upset?"

Idk man there have been some really shitty Jerry’s. Jerry Sandusky, Jerry Falwell, Jerry Falwell Jr., and Jerry Brudos all come to mind.

It’s not at all though…

He was definitely pretty jacked in TGP. You kind of have to be to dance the way he did. But you can see it in certain scenes, like when he tears off his tux sleeves during his wedding to Janet.

He also said transgender people are mentally ill and, somewhat ironically, compared them to pedophiles.

I’ve spent most of my life in NYC and NJ, there better not be traffic in heaven

Aegon II is my king.

It was funny until people started sending it to the actor, which was basically immediately

Sometimes origamis are funny. It’s just a fun format.