I've basically never played Minecraft, but if it were on Steam I'd probably buy it. Though I've thoroughly played plenty of survival/crafting games (7 Days to Die, Rust, The Forest, Grounded, Green Hell, etc.), I'd like to give the OG a go.

"Hmm, server operating system, you say? The way the future is going, I'm sure they'll run servers on tablets soon, so let's make a tablet user interface for it!"

This is still an issue with Light Mode, at least in the Windows Server world:


And starting with Windows Server 2016, they made the color UI so simple that it's difficult to use. By default, they made title bars, backgrounds and active borders all white so you can't even see where the borders or title bars even are.

Example screenshot, warning: default light-theme 

There's no setting I can see to change this in the Windows Settings, but Windows still respects the old Control Panel color options as seen in the registry:

Command Prompt command to add window borders and change title bar to blue:
REG ADD "HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop" /v UserPreferencesMask /t REG_BINARY /d 9032078010000000

How about a Hibernation?

Gallagher was a huge comedian back in the 70s/80s. You still hear his bits quoted today, to the point they are cliche ("We drive in a parkway and park in a driveway", "cargo goes by ship, a shipment goes by truck", "why do they call them 'apartments' when they're all stuck together").

... he had other bits that weren't just word related, those are just what came to mind.

Yeah, adding sorting/stacking buttons (similar to "7 Days to Die") would be nice.

For those who want to learn:

A: Here's a random layout you might find.
B: Look at this "1" in light blue. The "1" means there is one bomb in the squares immediately around it (highlighted in yellow).
C: Since there is only one spot that hasn't been uncovered, that must be the 1 bomb. Flag it!
D: Now look at another spot, like this "1" in light blue. Same thing, there is 1 bomb around it.
E: Since there is only one spot not uncovered, that must be the 1 bomb. Flag it!
F: Now look at that "2" in light blue. There are two bombs somewhere in the squares immediately around it (highlighted in yellow).
G: We know where those two mines are for sure (they're already flagged), so the other two spots can be uncovered.

You can keep going like this. See the second "2" that was just uncovered in image G? We know where the two mines are since they are flagged, so you can uncover the three spots around the "2" to the left of it. Also, that "1" we uncovered in image G? You already know which spot that one mine is (the flagged one to the right of it) so go ahead and uncover every other square immediately around that "1".

There was a ghost! This is ectoplasm! It wasn't me, it was the spooky ghost!

Gen X

Yeah, it's way better now than in the 80s/90s. The slur was so casually thrown around, even the lovable Bill and Ted hurled the insult in a PG movie and few blinked an eye back then.

Warning NSFW language:

As long as you're in my house, you'll do what I do and believe what I believe. So butter your bacon!

I don't see that on there. Just things like "Papaya Pinochet" and "Apricot Pol Pot".

I'm sure you have a TORRENT  of other questions, but I have to move along, sorry.

Which is interesting cause it's a gender swap of Robert Palmer's "Addicted To Love" music video:


Due to inaccuracies.

Oldest living president.


He was very unpopular and was a one term president.

Basically true. Maybe not "very" unpopular, but certainly unpopular, most notably with fellow politicians (even in his own party!).

His job approval was almost as low as Biden’s.

Untrue. His lowest approval, 28%, is lower than Biden's 37% and Trump's 34%, but not as low as W. Bush's 25% or Nixon's 24%. Source (lowest approval column)

Despite being a mediocre to poor president he does seem like a legitimately good person. I have a lot of respect for him.

He is a good person who deserves respect, but the claim of being a "poor president" is dubious. I'd agree with "undistinguished" or even "below average", but not as far as "poor".

Ahh, Series I bonds. Ok, that tracks.