Mud dauber pupae. Set them outside, and they'll hatch. It's nearly impossible to get a mud dauber to sting you. They're the chillest wasps in the world. They think spiders are super delicious. Probably a bunch of spiders packed in with those pupae.

Yeah. These guys live underground for years (how many years depends on the species). Then they emerge, cling to a surface (usually a tree), emerge as winged adults, and when their exoskeletons harden, they climb or fly up into the trees.

These are super common to find in the summers all over the bottom few feet of trees, or other objects or structures around trees.

I'm not sure what species this beetle is, but it just bumbled in on accident. It's nothing parasitic. Check for other things, like fleas, bedbugs, or carpet beetle larvae. The last one there doesn't bite, but if they get into your bed, the little hairs can make you super itchy.

I had an Odin Pro previously, which looks about the same size and shape. It felt like a slightly more ergonomic Nintendo Switch in the hands. It felt exactly like a gaming device to me. Especially when I was booting up Wind Waker or Metroid Prime.

The Steam Deck (or other PC handhelds) I can kind of see that argument, as they're really big. But you get used to it. Now my SD feels really natural in my hands. It's a slightly odd layout, but everything is in the natural sweep of your thumbs.

Breaks up the outline of the plane, theoretically at least makes it harder to spot.

They're far less likely than other mammals to carry rabies, in fact. I think this one just found a comfy spot and decided to hang out. Might have mange, and humans can host the mites that cause mange, so another good reason not to touch it.

Sends usage data to Bambu. It will not directly improve your current experience, but it might give Bambu some data that's useful in building the next software or firmware update. That being said, who knows what data they're actually collecting, or what they're using it for.

I always leave these features off. There's no guarantee Bambu isn't collecting data anyway, but I'll do what I can do to limit big companies collecting my personal data.

Opossums are not actually very dangerous. They make a big show of baring their teeth and hissing, but they aren't actually fierce. They're not likely at all to bite, even if you pick one up that's hissing at you. That's not to say that you should, though. Best to leave wildlife alone.

They're also very unlikely to carry rabies. Their body temp is low enough that it's difficult for the virus to survive in their bodies.

S mode might be useful if you have an elderly relative or small child using a computer, and you want to keep them out of trouble. For anyone reasonably competent at operating a computer who has basic common sense, turn it off.

For any kind of power user, this "feature" cripples the machine. You lose access to anything you can't install from the store, which has a pretty garbage software selection.

It's also bizarre to me that if you turn this off, you can never turn it on again. That's just there to scare people into leaving it on. There's no other reason for that.

I used to live in Indiana when I was a kid. The local police would fly a helicopter low over the farmers' fields. They'd find a bunch of ditch weed, gather it up, and then take a photo in front of it acting like they just made some big drug bust.

No idea if they ever charged the farmers. I feel like they probably didn't. I think it was just to get funding.

The United States is a nation that shares some of the highest accomplishments and most shameful moments in human history. I have a great deal of pride and shame for my country, as a result. At our best, we can be an extraordinary pillar of strength for other nations, offering aid and support to protect those in danger of losing their lives and their freedom. At worst, we are the ones taking those lives, and that freedom, or losing our own due to extremist politics and a recent tendency towards right wing fascist ideology.

I'm fearful right now. We had a far right wing ideologue in power, who was deeply incompetent, profoundly stupid, and is now a convicted felon. Her may well end up in power again, and has shown a willingness to become a dictator.

The Republican party has embraced extremism and hate, and the Democratic party is feckless and ineffective. Even if Trump loses, we have no reasonable defense against this happening again in the future.

Centruroides species, for sure. I'm bad at telling them apart, but C. vittatus is probably the most likely based on where you are. They're venomous, as all scorpions are, but can't kill you. Centruroides sculpturatus, the Arizona bark scorpion, looks very similar, and while it has killed people, it's extraordinarily rare, with only two confirmed deaths since 1968. This is despite thousands of people being stung each year. It's the only scorpion in North America that's been confirmed to have killed human beings.

If it were me, I'd put it in a tank and have it as a pet, without handling it. I'm not saying you should do that. But whatever you do, don't let it go where you are. They're not native there, and shouldn't be released there. Even if it means a sad fate for the scorpion.

Intentionally looks like shit. Success. Great job?

I've not yet owned a new enough car to have this feature. Driving a 2013 Civic Si currently. My friend got a far more recent one, and it's so much more annoying. Yeah, some of the features are nice, like adaptive cruise, but everything's so damned fiddly, like worrying about the turbo, or waiting for the car to restart when you start moving again.

First one looks like he robbed a bank and they put a dye pack in the bag of cash.

I would say ice and antihistamines if it's just localized to your foot. If you have any trouble breathing, straight to the ER.

Whoever did this was drunk. Two very average pieces of oak, one much darker, honestly gorgeously figured piece, and then one moderately darker, reasonably figured piece.

It's so absurdly mismatched. If I found that second hand, I'd knock it apart to make something else, rather than keep it as a piece of furniture.

They should absolutely refund you at no cost. Fight them on it. Making you pay anything when they fucked up this badly is horseshit.

Fucking adorable, especially the little wiggle at the end

Are you making mashed grootatoes?

Man, I used to play the hell out of some Minesweeper. I got to the point where I'd play it without marking mines for extra challenge. I'd just clear all the empty spaces. I got to the point that I could just see where the mines were in my mind from the numbers.

Not every version of Minesweeper lets you do it that way. Some require every mine to be marked. Some require all empty spaces to be cleared. Some allow you to do it both ways.