Terrence Mckenna describes DMT entities that are singing things into existence.

game reminding you that marksman is the worst class..

Lmfao not a free society when your values cannot be defended. All religions are gross and disgusting because they accept that human morals come after religious texts.

Ah yes some guy who is shit faced drunk mid day is totally going to start working because he saw this advertisement. Government is the worst. How about government become more efficient and stop wasting my tax dollars so i can buy more beer.

It's human nature Philip k Dick always portrays himself the hero who gets mad pussy kinda like james bond.

100% but it still travels up your spine. the infection point will have worst symptoms but HSV2 causes meningitis which to me is a brain infection.

It's anecdotal but I went from reading books and playing hockey to being bed ridden and extremely depressed with major migraines after having HSV2 infection combined with HSV1 infection.

my cat will scratch his paws raw at the window if he cannot go outside. Sorry at the end of the day I do not tell you how to live that's the beauty of the world with freedom. Cat's were designed to be outside they are not even fully domesticated. Grow up.

When your ego thinks you have solved the human condition lmfao

actually only good way to get revenge is to sex, then breakup with her right after and say "I just needed to nut one last time before I kick you to the curb."

People are shite what more is their to understand. The fact that his girl was first loves means she just looking to level up now. Trust me whole picket fence life is a lie.

if she was assaulted she would have called the police. She was clearly not assaulted. She was inviting.

has your rape and assault been reported to the police????

She literally using this emotional power over you. Does her first kiss with you feel as important as your kiss with her? JESUS wake up and smell this coffeee shitt

Cheating is very juvenile behaviour and the sign of a psychopath. Not all psychos murder some just make your life a living hellscape.

All depends on how much of a cuck you are willing to be. Once they know they can cheat lie and get away with it, Will be much worse in future.

Actually not because she soberly thought he lets go get drunk at the club and have a good time without my boyfriend. That was the sober thought that preceded the drunk ones. People give women way too much credit in modern society.

exactly these people are bluntly obvious and I don't date them anymore. OP thinks in the 7 years this hasn't happened before hes yolking himself.

Ah yes poor her she was flung into this situation if only something like free will existed. The reason why women like this exist to begin with is because their are men that will tolerate the behavior. You obviously don't like it but your telling yourself that you invested seven years in a relationship to get cheated on. If the roles were reversed would you expect the same level of forgiveness or would you even get it? Men ferociously need hormones supplementation in 2024.

Or she could just be lying. Like people often do.