Ya know.. it kinda is different and always will be.

Yeah I feel like if body positivity actually existed for men as well, it would be just as positive of an impact as dissolving the illusions propagated by pornography.

They say I'd be a sniper's hardest mission, as my bald head reflects light like none other, and I'm so short I'm practically always ducking.

Don't let your culture's sexist attitude and treatment toward women, and how it's affected you, turn you into a bitter misandrist.

To me, being obsessed with Pokemon into adulthood is much weirder than fantasizing about attractive women. Cast no stones over here

If her and Lauren Boebert did 69 they wouldn't be able to talk. Win win

It just has to help me get through part of this drive to my woman's parents house this holiday. Can it do that?

Too bad, only candy coated responses need apply. It's like this person came here to fish for an answer the wanted to hear, or some kind of validation. So much arguing and defending and rebutting, all this effort put in to defending their case. It's almost as much effort as it would take to make a very slight adjustment to diet, and go for a little jog once in a while (figuratively of course).

Then you have women in this comment section making the false equivalency between things that can change, like weight, and immutable characteristics (of course talking about men's genitals).

It's almost like they came here to start shit instead of asking a question and accepting the answers and input.

How dare you criticize her comment, it's obviously empowering. Yas

This is kind of a small scale, low energy example of why men aren't comfortable sharing their feelings, with women particularly. Maybe focus less on being defensive and explaining why I'm wrong and just absorb the relatively harmless and potentially useful critique with a little more aplomb and empathy.

"Everything I say? Facts" is some pretty high level delusion, especially if applied to statements regarding an entire group.

Here's the thing, you're talking about and to men but get upset when a man criticizes your motives based on available information and context. Louie CK had a great bit on his show, where a macho bully archetype was hitting him, and in his mind, was just playing around.

Louie says "Stop doing that! You're hurting me!" and the other guy replies "Nah, cmon man! That doesn't hurt!"

Louie then says this: "You don't get to hit someone and then tell them it doesn't hurt, that's not up to you to decide for them, when a person tells you that you hurt them you don't get to decide that you didn't."

The same principle applies here, in that you don't get to deny me, a man, saying that I feel the condesension in your "advice". That's not up to you. It doesn't "have to be mean" but it certainly doesn't feel genuine.

It really seems like, from your post history, the advice that you're giving is coming from a place of condescension. It makes me wonder what you're doing in this specific sub.

Some people don't really care for swimming

tradie, hardhat wearing, blue collar American 👷🏻

I think there was at least one study that indicates that even knowing that about a man is viewed as a negative by women, in relation to sexual attraction and mate selection

Boop, short for bird poop, because it kinda looks like pigeon poop. Still a cute dog!

Curls, then skullcrushers, kettle bell halos to round it out

There's good advice here sometimes, and I just deeply care about the bros.

This is maybe the only sub you can give direct, honest bro to bro counsel (especially about relation to women) without getting mobbed and downvoted by ideologically captured dumb fucks :D

Congrats on the clean time, keep at it