Quote sure doesn't sound like it was written by someone with an IQ of 174

"I was really sad during my growing up cuz abuse"

Gawt daymn

That's a huge patch list.


I have to be in the mood to play observer because I usually do my own thing, I don't like being tethered to somebody all the time.

Don't break into a house and you're less likely to be shot 🤗


I have a 6900XT/12700KF & 32GB DDR4 @ 3600 with the game on a Samsung 970 evo

at 1440p, with fog turned off and DLSS being enabled for the 6000 series GPU's with this link

All settings set for epic with DLSS set for quality

I average anywhere from 60-200fps

That said my card is 80%~ faster than yours and my CPU is about 30% faster~

So you might get away with a mix of medium/high with a lower quality setting for the DLSS mod

Keep in mind, this is an unreal engine 4 game, shaders/particle effects/sounds/etc will cause hitching/lag spikes the first time they're loaded/viewed/heard/etc so you will have lots of hitching and stuttering the first time you do ANYTHING in the game, be it shoot a gun, shoot glass, shoot metal, load one map, load a different map, look at your operators, select a gun, etc.

Once all those are cached it should run without hitching

All of his friends and special interest donors are billionaires so that ain't happening, that's all just fuff


Yeah because there's never once been a single person that's ever been convicted of a crime they didn't commit in the history of humanity.

I got Shadow banned 15 times in modern warfare 2 and my account is still open because I'm not cheating, it's almost like the report system is easy to exploit.

It's like this one time, that's pretty infamous, where the same logic was used when accusing people of being a witch/warlock, "Someone who isn't a witch never has to state they aren't, if you're accused by Elizabeth, Betty, Abigail, or Ann Jr then you're a witch".

Guarantee you at least 30% of those reports were on legit players

She/he understood the assignment

"This is mine now"

I would probably stay away from that person in general. Might be a sociopath.

We just see it get zooped back up under his robe, we don't know what his body be lookin like

Everyone is going to want/need an AR-15 in their arsenal for an apoc of any kind.

Big brain mode

Turn your computer around so the rear IO is easy to access and just barely unplug the cord and plug it back in half a second after you equip the bag.

Obviously make sure your Wi-Fi is disabled if your computer has that