Then why do you douchebags rev them up at every light? Is that for safety too? Get the fuck outta here with that bullshit excuse.

There is a place to hunt for rose rocks near central Oklahoma. They are found around Noble, but I don’t know if there are good places to hunt around the town. I’ve seen them on the banks of Lake Thunderbird and erosion features around the area.

AG or Walters? I’m willing to vote Drummond as governor and I’m a democrat.

There is a really good chance that guy didn’t even notice you doing that. Men’s hips and legs are physically different than women’s. I have to actively hold my legs together when sitting. That workout you got is what I feel when trying to hold them together. I try to always sit in the aisle or window so I only have to hold one leg in. I would prefer if they had some divider I could let my legs press against.

It’s not always the balls, it’s how guy’s hips and legs are built. Typically, women’s hips are wider and their legs are narrower. Most men have to constantly physically hold their legs together to stop them from spreading like that. You can only do that for so long.

How am I supposed to be the problem if corporations are beating me to it?

Sure, but is it in my area?

Yeah, I’m all for shitting on OGE, but that was pretty ridiculous. They came off as whiny

Don’t forget about the recall because the front suspension is chewing through tires.

Wild that vinyl seats are setting the bar for nicest interior.

Well he’s not lying. I’ve never even heard of carbon minoxide before. I doubt it’s in the exhaust.

A figure 8 knot would be perfect if you’re just wanting a loop to hold on to. They are super easy to tie and it’s good enough for climbers. It will shorten the leash a little bit, but you won’t have to worry about it coming out.

I feel the same way. I’m currently looking for a truck and I really wanted a manual Tacoma. For a decent package with a nice radio and some off road options I was looking at 55,000. It’s hard not to buy a full size that gets better fuel mileage (I’m looking at the 3.0 diesel), better payload, and nicer interior. The upgraded Tacoma interior is vinyl.

The fine for a small truck that doesn’t meet the CAFE requirements is generally less than $2,000. CAFE isn’t what is keeping those vehicles out of the market. Sedans were essentially dropped from most American manufacturer’s lines in favor of crossovers and SUVs. It’s demand that is driving the change. I know it’s easy to say you didn’t have a choice and it is the manufacturer’s fault, but it’s probably the markets fault in this case.

You just spoke this into existence. Some heeper is adding these to their car as I type this.

So dropping this fake person’s preferred pronouns, is this is a biological woman that’s transitioning into a man or a biological man that is transitioning to a woman?

That is hilarious. Somebody should get custom lowercase lettering on the back.

Are you looking for an article or the post from a forum? I don’t know of an article about it, but it was on Tacoma world earlier this year. Somebody’s transmission went out and the dealer made it sound like there are a lot needing replacement transmissions. I’m still looking to buy a new one with a manual, but I’m not naive enough to think that they are flawless. I’m sure Toyota will work out the problem if it’s just bugs in a new model.

As the manual transmissions are failing after a couple thousand miles. These trucks are engineered in America and built in Mexico. They aren’t anything special.