Sorry we're actually already at capacity, you'll have to wait until someone leaves. /s

Michigan Security Deposit

Was renting for $1250 for 2 years ($1250 security deposit), rent was raised to $1300 during the 3rd lease term and had to give another $50 to bring the security deposit equal to one months rent. Moved out of our rental on February 11th, gave my forwarding address that day. Landlords helper did the walk through and took keys, said everything looked great and she saw nothing that would stand out as needing repair. We patched AND PAINTED all the holes from TV, picture frames etc. Folding closet doors never worked because they weren't installed properly, so I took the one we used the most off the track and stored it in the basement in like-new condition.

30 days comes and goes with no communication at all from landlord and he wouldnt provide his cell number (insisted we communicate through online property managememt portal, which stopped working after the lease ended). Start messaging his helper who's number I do have, she says she'd remind him as he probably forgot. Message her every few days until 45 days after lease ended. Still no security deposit, or invoice.

I send landlord a friendly/professional email asking for my deposit back, and no response. Finally on 4/7 he sends me the invoice, calling out $1250 deposit (wrong) and he took $200 for "patch and paint walls, and replace closet door." And he actually put 4/7 as the date of those charges, over 50 days after we moved out. Mind you, a new tenant moved in days after we left. Called helper and she said she'd message him, and gave me a different email to use for him. After the weekend i get a check in the mail for $1050. So I send a long, detailed, stern and professional email demanding the other $50 from the rent increase, and the other $200 that he charged for things I know he didn't have to fix. Asked for a response by 4/19, and that if he wanted we could use the state small claims court to mediator.

No response, texted helper and she says deposits go out May 1st, but seems to have forgotten the situation already. Re-explain that I'm waiting on the other $250, and she says she'll forward my message.

What are my options here?? This is beyond frustrating. In the time I lived there I hardly asked him for anything; on the contrary I was always the one having to fix things and wait for him to venmo me reimbursements. I haven't deposited the $1050 check for fear that if I do, I some how agree to the invoice from which it was generated. Should I at least deposit that and then go to court for the other $250? Or should I not deposit it and continue to fight for the rightful amount?

FT is also basically how your brain processes sound stimuli, i.e. being able to pick out someone's particular voice/conversation in a crowd where many voices and other noises are present simultaneously.

Finally someone agrees.

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Edit: my bum had a lot to say. I'm leaving it.

I work in a smaller USW shop. Our dues are based on a percentage of income for hours worked, including OT, rather than other unions who typically do like 2 hours of your wage rate a month. Most of us don't really agree with it, but we pay them anyways because it's better than getting screwed at every turn, which our company actively tries even with our representation..

The 3 highest paid members haven't paid dues since RTW, saying that they don't feel they get enough from the union for being the people who pay the most.. which is b.s. since their inflated wages, shift premium, road premium, per diem, etc. were negotiated by the union..

Regardless, they petitioned the company to sit down with the union to negotiate removing their job classification from the contract; they want to be regular employees and give up all the things they don't realize the union does for them, all because they don't want to pay dues.

What do you mean by 'inside side'?

I thought IBEW jobs were pretty much relegated to residential/inside wireman, lineman, or industrial work (probably the closest to what I do now)? Are there jobs through the union in other industries/applications like aviation?? I feel kind of uneducated about all this now.

Last week there was a small helo taking off and landing a bunch in the field next to our new place for the guys who work on the long distance high voltage lines, can't say I wasn't even a little bit interested in that job! Looked fun

Lol if I didn't have extensive roots and a brand new mortgage here, I'd really consider it bud. There's a few small regional airports nearby, I should look into what kind of jobs they post.

I have a buddy from the military who went that route after we both did a stint at SpaceX. He seems to really enjoy it. The only issue is I live about 1.5 hours from the nearest major airport, where I assume most of the A&P jobs are?

That's kind of what I suspected. I'm sorta knowledgeable when it comes to residential. I had to rewire a lot of stuff in our renovation, but I definitely had to flip through the NEC at least twice each day to make sure I was doing things to code. So there's certainly a lot to learn still. I was just hoping there was a way to maybe get credit for some of the required hours to cut down on time spent in training, but it's likely I'll be at square one like everyone else. At least training would be just a bit easier on me having at least some experience to draw on I guess.


Thank you, I wasn't aware that different locals had different policies regarding their apprenticeships! I'll report back on what I learn; maybe it'll help someone else in similar situations.

Guidance appreciated

Hey all, approaching a crossroads and would really appreciate some honest advice.

So I've got a fair bit of electrical experience. Some residential schooling in high-school, avionics tech in the military for 5 years, and then when and got a B.S. in chemistry (sort of unrelated but I went on to specialize in electrochemistry in my school's PhD program but dropped out after 18 months; not for me).

For the past 3.5 years I've worked as an electrician at a fairly large automation machine building shop. Mostly resistance welding lines replete with robots, etc. I've excelled there and was promoted to electrical leader within 1.5 years; $21 to almost $29.

Work is somewhat feast or famine; one year we're getting crazy overtime and the next year is nonstop talk about layoffs. We are a USW union shop, and are supposed to have a decent amount of work/OT this year. I'd like to work towards my journeyman but we have no master at the shop anymore to sign on hours, so I'd have to go to the IBEW to do that.. which I'm totally open to..

But it sounds like the apprenticeship is pretty much its own full time job, so I would have to leave my current position. Before I even walk in there to waste anyone's time, I'm wondering if there's ways to expedite the training/logging of hours through past experience or aptitude assessment? Or am I starting from the very beginning with someone who has never worked in any electrical trade?

Would anyone here be able to give me any advice on this? I'd love to be licensed as I feel like it opens up some options for finding better work, for better pay. I'd really love a shot at becoming a master someday and starting my own business. However, we just moved into a house that we renovated and taking a pay cut for a few years doesn't sound appetizing.

Thanks for reading my novel, I hope this type of post is acceptable; sorry if it's not!


Well. To be precise, "vodka" is any spirit distilled to a minimum of 95% abv (190 proof) such as to render it as neutral as possible. So the likelihood of anyone making vodka on a home still is pretty slim; unless you've also built yourself a few columns with some bubble cap trays or something..

But with most any distilled beverage, you'd do a faster stripping run just to work your wash down into a more manageable volume and seperate out any of the yeast, particulates, and non-fermentable sugars, etc. Then, you'll take the product of that stripping run (which should be water, ethanol, and some amount of other congeners) and run it again nice and slow, making cuts as you go.

If you're after a neutral spirit, then you can take a wide hearts cut of that second distillation, and then distill that again, and repeat as many times as it takes to get the flavor profile (or lack thereof) you're after. The more times you slowly distill it and make cuts of the heads and tails (where a bulk of the flavor/aroma components come through), the more neutral it will be. However, the more spirit runs you do, you will also sacrifice some volume; so you'll get a higher quality product, but there will be less of it.

Edit: I'll go ahead and correct myself now, getting 95% abv at home is certainly achievable, especially given some of the creative reflux columns I've seen people come up with. My implication was that a self-proclaimed "noob" with what is almost certainly a pot still would be hard pressed to accomplish that.

Right on, thanks. So by skipping the cement board and whatnot, I'll basically just need a thicker plywood sheet to help make up the difference in floor height.


They sell two version of the schluter, the regular and a "duo". It looks like the duo is for use on top of concrete while the regular is for plywood? Do you see any advantages to using one over the other in my situation?

Does the schluter need to be one continuous sheet? The bathroom is only 35 sq ft and it looks like you can either buy small squares for about $30 or a big roll for $400..

Bathroom Radiant Heat tile floor stack-uphome improvement

So I've done a lot of research on old message boards as to the proper products, techniques, and order of operations for putting electric radiant heat under a new tile floor for my 5' x7' bathroom. Most of the posts I've come across conflict in one way or another depending on what year they were from.. so I'd like to just post my plan and see if anyone has any suggestions or comments on it?

Bathroom is down to the old diagonal plank subfloor across the joists while the hall still has the pine T&G floor that we're covering with underlayment and then an engineered hardwood, so I've got about 1.25" of height to make up from the subfloor in the bathroom to the height of the new floor in the hallway.

My plan is:

1) to put down plywood (11/32") to help stabilize and level the floor.

2) then screw down 1/4" cement board.

3) then cut strips of 1/4" cement board and put them down on top of the cement board from step 2, around the perimeter.

4) lay heating element wire inside the perimeter and attach with either the metal strips or even just roofing nails driven to stick out <1/4", or I've read even hot glue?

5) pour Self Leveling Cement inside the perimeter, over the heating element wire, up to the level of the 1/4" cement board perimeter. And let that dry/set according to the manufacturer instructions.

6) lay tile (3/8" thick) down with thinset on top of the SLC

Some people recommend a decoupling membrane between the tile and the SLC. Others say put the membrane between the cement board and the plywood. Others recommend putting the wire straight down onto the plywood and putting the cement board on top of that (unsure how to avoid driving all those screws through the wire).

Anyone have any guidance? Thanks for your time!

Zen to the end

No, I think you're talking about a credenza. What he's referring to is that place that religious people go to worship.

They certainly do mind lol. But my friend does the same thing you described, he calls it "gosting" where you vape and just hold your breathe until nothing comes out when you exhale. I just take edibles and nicotine mints or zyns or something 🤷🏻‍♂️

We just bought an old farmhouse that we're renovating that was likely last updated in the late 90s early 00s. I've been in there ripping out carpet and linoleum sheeting. I vape, and I had to take the smoke detectors and put them in a cupboard while I work because my vape keeps setting them off.

Also I may or may not have set off a smoke alarm in a hotel with my vape once, and that place had just been built like 2022. It's a nicotine vape, so I'm not sure if that makes a difference. But yeah, some old and some new ones don't seem to discriminate.

"It came with the frame."

Or my other favorite part, "Hey Pinnochio! Where YOU going?!" slide tackle

Such a quotable movie.

The aged balsamic vinegar wall at zingermans is out of control.